BWCA How are your Quetico reservations going? ;) Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      How are your Quetico reservations going? ;)     
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01/30/2019 11:49AM  
Maybe on a lighter note.... how are those Quetico reservations going for you all this year?
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distinguished member(2546)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/31/2019 07:18AM  
Maybe we could learn from the Canuck system. Instead of having a ‘crash’ day, reservations are done 5 months to the day ahead of entry date. That, and Q gets about 10% of the traffic that bwcaw gets.

But hey, no one wants to do the Q because it’s overhyped and fishing is too expensive. Let’s keep the stress south of the border.
member (50)member
01/31/2019 08:05AM  
admin: "Maybe on a lighter note.... how are those Quetico reservations going for you all this year?"

Made reservations a few days ago, base camp on basswood/Ranger bay area end of May. Everything went smoooooth. Now comes the RABC permit, outdoor card, and fishing license for a group of 6.
01/31/2019 11:43AM  
As always, the Q permit was easy to get. Only problem is I can never recall my password and need to reset it, but that is on me.
distinguished member(7945)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
02/01/2019 12:56AM  
old_salt: "But hey, no one wants to do the Q because it’s overhyped and fishing is too expensive. Let’s keep the stress south of the border."

If only the damn place wasn't all fished out, eh?
member (17)member
02/07/2019 08:13PM  
I woke up on Christmas morning for my reservation, a yawn kind of set me back, I think I had to get up and get my wallet after I found they didn't take AmEx, took me a grueling 3 minutes for the whole process.

I don't know why I invested that much time after hearing about lack of fish, crowded lakes and risk of being wind locked....
distinguished member(5297)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
02/10/2019 09:07AM  
I had to help out the lady taking my reservation, but she figured it out eventually. I told her my entry point number and then she said can you tell me what lake that is? So I tell her the lake and then she asks if I will be base camping. I had to tell her no I just need a permit to go through that lake to start my trip. Going in on a Thursday, haven't had an issue with getting the day I wanted to start my trip in the past 20 years. She then tells me that the date I want isn't possible. I asked if all of allowed permits for that entry were taken. She then asks me to hold. She gets back on and asks me how many nights I will be going for. So I assumed she figured out how to make a reservation for Quetico from her manager or something. She asked if I will be hiking or canoeing to my entry point. I just laughed and told her it would be difficult to get there without a canoe. She had no idea. Got my permit for the day I wanted finally!!! :)
distinguished member(3022)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/10/2019 01:56PM  
QueticoMike: " She asked if I will be hiking or canoeing to my entry point. I just laughed and told her it would be difficult to get there without a canoe. She had no idea. Got my permit for the day I wanted finally!!! :)"

That's funny stuff right there! I suppose everyone has a first day :)

02/10/2019 04:04PM  
Jackfish: "
old_salt: "But hey, no one wants to do the Q because it’s overhyped and fishing is too expensive. Let’s keep the stress south of the border."

If only the damn place wasn't all fished out, eh?"

+1 :)
02/10/2019 07:00PM  
QueticoMike: "I had to help out the lady taking my reservation, but she figured it out eventually. I told her my entry point number and then she said can you tell me what lake that is? So I tell her the lake and then she asks if I will be base camping. I had to tell her no I just need a permit to go through that lake to start my trip. Going in on a Thursday, haven't had an issue with getting the day I wanted to start my trip in the past 20 years. She then tells me that the date I want isn't possible. I asked if all of allowed permits for that entry were taken. She then asks me to hold. She gets back on and asks me how many nights I will be going for. So I assumed she figured out how to make a reservation for Quetico from her manager or something. She asked if I will be hiking or canoeing to my entry point. I just laughed and told her it would be difficult to get there without a canoe. She had no idea. Got my permit for the day I wanted finally!!! :)"

Like you did, just go with the flow. She is probably just learning the different parks.
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