BWCA Swimming on Iron Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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07/01/2019 12:05PM  
Are there any good swimming spots on Iron Lake? We will be going mid-summer this year to a lake I have not been on in more than 12 years at least.
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07/01/2019 03:37PM  
I'd steer clear of the area above Rebecca Falls.
07/01/2019 03:43PM  
Beach site on the far east side, just SE of Curtain Falls. Other areas near 3 island -- just S in a pinch between an island and shore.
distinguished member (472)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/02/2019 07:24AM  
the lsland site has a nice, albeit rocky beach.

wear foot protection - both for the rocks as well as fish hooks. Iron is full of both.
07/06/2019 09:59PM  
Who gives a crap about swimming in Iron. You can get wet in any lake in the BW. Iron is a fish factory so fish, fish , fish!
distinguished member (130)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/07/2019 01:50PM  
We stayed at one of the northwest campsites on that rocky point and swam to the island and back. Nice and deep right off the rocks at camp. Depends if you’re looking for sandy beach or jump rocks. Also just at the bottom of Curtain falls has a nice little swimming hole. Beautiful lake
distinguished member(3464)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/07/2019 03:09PM  
UPBoy: "Who gives a crap about swimming in Iron. You can get wet in any lake in the BW. Iron is a fish factory so fish, fish , fish!"

I agree. But I won't judge how others enjoy their own trip.

I'd go fishing too.
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