BWCA Snowbank Lake Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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member (7)member
07/09/2020 04:06PM  
Hello Everyone! Thanks to everyone ahead of time.

I'll give you the run down. Had a trip planned for over the 4th of July weekend. Were going with a small group, two of whom have never been. Needless to say, the fire ban came into effect a few days before we were heading that way. So the consensus was to re-plan a different trip for later in the year. Cool.

Well, we weren't able to get a permit for the location that we were hoping for so we ended up with Snowbank. Basically what I am looking for are any ideas for day trips in that location, fishing lakes, some scenery, etc. Any and all ideas/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

Thanks again.
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distinguished member(5742)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/09/2020 04:21PM  
Some ideas here

Perhaps the most well known attraction is Cattyman Falls

Some good hiking trails around Disappointment Lake area, as well as some artifacts from the logging days.
07/10/2020 09:11AM  
A pictograph site is near Cattyman falls on Jordan lake. I haven’t been to either. My understanding is that it is a very faint or harder to see. Reported to be a canoe, a moose, and a hand.

North shore of the narrows on Jordan lakes west side which leads into the portage going west near Cattyman falls.

07/10/2020 06:41PM  
I think some relatively safe cliff jumping spots are over this way as well. As I said I haven’t been in this area but others from my Boy Scout troop would day trip over. To this area Off of Ensign and cliff jump over in the narrows area.
Grandma L
distinguished member(5645)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/10/2020 08:06PM  
You might drop down and go through Disappointment - nice campsites. Go through the smaller lakes and head over to to Ensign - busy lake but good fishing.
07/11/2020 10:19AM  
September (less bugs and traffic) of last year we went in on Snowbank, over to Parent, up to Disappointment, and over to Ahsub. Ahsub has a beautiful cliff site just around the corner from the portage if it's available, if not, Disappointment has some beautiful campsites on it, if you can't get a site on either one of those, you would have to go all the way to Jordan or Ima to find one. Get an early start on Snowbank as it can get pretty windy on there. We did a nice day trip over to Cattyman Falls and over to the Jordan narrows to see if we could see the pictographs, we weren't able to find them, but heard they are hard to find. Disappointment is supposed to have some good fishing, we had a cold front come through and shut the fishing down so hope you have better luck than we did. Right behind the campsite on Ahsub is a hiking trail, so we took an afternoon and did some hiking around Disappointment. Enjoy your trip, it's a beautiful area!!!
member (7)member
07/24/2020 02:49PM  
Thanks so much for the insight, every little bit helps!
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