BWCA Route/travel question - Schlamm to Lunetta??? Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Route/travel question - Schlamm to Lunetta???     
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distinguished member(2695)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/04/2021 07:35PM  
I have a customer who wants to go to Western & Buck.

On the way back they wanted me to ask if anyone has been on a portage & creek between Schlamm and Lunetta?

If so, how was it? If so, how were water levels there?

I told him I'd let him know around 9 pm, just in case anyone comes here & knows some info.

Thanks so much!
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distinguished member(5742)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/05/2021 09:20AM  
It's been a few years but, when we passed through, there were 2 moderate portages between Lunetta and Schlam that were decently worn . Just remember to stay close to the shallow creeks when portaging; as there is an old logging trail that hunters must still use that veers off into the woods and will not get you where you need to go.

Perhaps things have changed since then but, I don't recall water levels being an issue or, looking like it would be.
distinguished member(2695)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/05/2021 04:10PM  
Thank you! He left this morning so he won't have the info you so kindly supplied. But maybe I'll compare what he says when he gets back & post it here for others to see.
07/06/2021 10:43AM  
I too am interested to hear what the water levels are like in this area as I may change my permit to this ep. Thx.
member (17)member
07/06/2021 02:17PM  
VoyageurNorth: "Thank you! He left this morning so he won't have the info you so kindly supplied. But maybe I'll compare what he says when he gets back & post it here for others to see."

I also would love to know what is like in that area this year. We will be up to see you at VNO July 18 th to get some gear and a tow to head out of EP 4. We have no set plan on base camping versus taking a loop through all the little lakes in the area.
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