BWCA Hustler River Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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member (39)member
02/03/2023 07:34AM  
Can anyone tell me if the Hustler River is open to paddle from finger Lake south to Hustler Lake?
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02/03/2023 07:40AM  
I seem to recall reading some reports from folks here who have done it. I also recall it being described as a brutal slog, more dragging & bushwhacking than paddling. Might be an adventure, but unless there were very high water...likely not a faster route compared to going around.
02/03/2023 07:44AM  
I believe someone posted a trip report about going through Hustler River. It looks like the best time to do it would be in the spring.
distinguished member(556)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/03/2023 08:34AM  
From trip reports I've read, it is not worth the effort.
member (39)member
02/08/2023 10:20AM  
Thanks for the help.
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