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06/19/2023 12:24PM  
How and when did we go from primitive management areas to pristine?
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06/19/2023 12:32PM  
I have been doing PMA's since 2001. I am not aware of any changes. Have there been?

I think they tell you to not use old camps/portage trails but realistically that doesn't happen. I am not even sure that is what's best for the PMA's? I wouldn't get the saw out and completely clear a portage or camp either though.

We camped a few times on a PMA Lake to fish a few years in a row and when we left you would of never known where we camped.--even though we had a fire. In fact I've seen trip reports of people taking pictures right where we had our fire and they didn't even identify that spot as a potential camp site LOL. So it isn't too hard to be LNT.

senior member (93)senior membersenior member
06/19/2023 12:44PM  
This came up a couple years ago
06/19/2023 06:16PM  
I can’t open that link.

My comment was on the change in description from primitive to pristine
senior member (77)senior membersenior member
06/19/2023 06:25PM  
Mocha: "I can’t open that link.

My comment was on the change in description from primitive to pristine"

I can't comment on the change but you may find some of the content of the thread brought up by Jakthund of interest. It seems to be part of internal USFS terminology/nomenclature that isn't explicit in public literature but slips through from time to time.
Fixed link: Primitive and Pristine forest in SNF
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