BWCA Skin rash? Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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Barbara Mikk
Guest Paddler
06/20/2023 08:39PM  
Hi! I'm writing to report a skin rash (maybe swimmer's itch but not as pimply so I don't think so) after swimming first in Moss on Saturday, Seagull on Sunday and Rose on Monday. I, too, now wonder why I swam so much! I first thought it was either a heat rash or a reaction on my arms to Permethrin that I sprayed on my clothes, but later it showed up, up on my trunk and top of my thighs. I don't have it on my feet or on my lower legs. It didn't itch at first, but does now! Why am I writing? Curious if others experienced this? My guess is I'm either allergic to the pollen (no known allergy in eyes and throat) or perhaps something else in the water. I'm surprised not to find other postings of this problem. Thanks for any insights or for sharing with others who experience this issue.
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distinguished member (208)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/21/2023 09:17AM  
What concentration was the permethrin and how was it applied? My buddy used too strong a concentration once and experienced rashing and an eventual peeling of his skin in certain places. I've also gotten rashes from a combination of sweat, permethrin, and clothing chafing against my skin. I doubt it would've come from anything in the lakes.
distinguished member(1488)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/21/2023 10:40AM  
I could think of several other things that could cause a reaction:

1. Bug bites from unusual insects/ticks. (Don't rule out Lyme Disease (or other tick bourn illnesses) - Even if you used permethrin.) A quick check of symptoms of West Nile Virus also shows a rash is possible.
2. New/unusual soaps used during or after the trip.
3. Bug repellents. (Especially if used too often).
4. Baby wipe type products you might have used to clean up during the trip.
5. Soaps in/on the sleeping bag you used. (was it yours or rented?)
6. Unusual ingredients in freeze dried foods (preservatives).
7. The usual poison ivy/poison oak irritants.
8. Unusual fabrics you might have used (any new/unwashed garments?)

Hope your rash clears up quickly and uneventfully.

distinguished member (215)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/21/2023 11:39AM  
I run a pretty 'hot' concentration of permethrin for my clothes and gear with no issues. The lady friend however, can look at some things and get a contact reaction. Zyrtec is my go to for anything like this.
distinguished member (324)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/21/2023 12:09PM  
Our crew of 8 was on Loon several weeks ago and my youngest grandson had the same type of rash break out on his back. We also did a lot of swimming and our conclusion was all the pollen in the water as he has never reacted to any kind of bug bites in the past. No one else in our group had this rash reaction but the pollen was pretty thick throughout the water. His rash didn't itch or bother him just the raised small bumps on his back.
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