BWCA EP 14 Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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distinguished member(556)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/06/2023 12:19PM  
Heading into EP 14 on the 11th. Anyone have any info on bug, bear, or info on the unmarked portage between Slim and Fat?
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08/06/2023 02:23PM  
I walked the portage in late May and it was easy to find and follow with one bad turn on my part. Choose right when unsure. There were a couple downed poplars at the start that may have been removed by now. They formed an X across the path and will be a problem. Another tree downed midway that will be a Bushwack around.
member (16)member
08/07/2023 02:12PM  
We are going into EP14 this week. If we camp on Loon Lake (targeting East Bay) are we likely to see much motorboat traffic? I see it's allowed in the area, but seems hard to get to.
08/07/2023 04:34PM  
exemplaria: "We are going into EP14 this week. If we camp on Loon Lake (targeting East Bay) are we likely to see much motorboat traffic? I see it's allowed in the area, but seems hard to get to. "

Paddled through there couple times, camped on Loon once and Little Loon once.....only saw one boat out on Loon.
distinguished member(556)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/07/2023 06:11PM  

Not many boats head up that way, maybe half a dozen. If you want to be near the big water but want to avoid the boats, just head to little Loon. The northern site isn't bad and it's a fairly short paddle down to east Loon bay, maybe 10/15 minutes.
08/07/2023 06:21PM  
I stayed a couple nights on little loon. It's a no motor lake but several came through anyway.
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