BWCA Sawbill to Frost Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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Jason Johnson
Guest Paddler
09/03/2023 08:32AM  
Has anyone been up thru Sawbill to Frost lately?

Looking for an idea on how the water levels are on the Frost River.

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distinguished member (435)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/04/2023 09:44AM  
Pretty low. Tuscarora Outfitters is a great place to call for this info. When I spoke to them about 3 weeks ago they said they hadn't had anyone go through the frost river in a couple weeks. It's been a couple more weeks and it certainly hasn't rained much.
Jason Johnson
Guest Paddler
09/04/2023 11:06AM  
Thanks for the info.
09/05/2023 11:29AM  
Are you going there soon? I'm not going for 2 weeks but am wondering the same (and hoping you're going now and will report back! HA!)
Jason Johnson
Guest Paddler
09/06/2023 05:50PM  
Headed in this Sunday!
09/07/2023 07:27PM  
Jason Johnson: "Headed in this Sunday!"

Have a great trip and please let me know how it was! :)
distinguished member(2037)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/08/2023 09:47PM  
Had major rainfall Tuesday and Wednesday. Not sure how much the Frost will be affected but it definitely raised water levels in the areas I just traveled this week.
distinguished member(1488)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/10/2023 09:47AM  
If people are warning you off the Frost because of water levels, the Louse River is a great alternative. It has the same great deep wilderness feel and yet has less water level issues.
09/10/2023 01:31PM  
Michwall2: "If people are warning you off the Frost because of water levels, the Louse River is a great alternative. It has the same great deep wilderness feel and yet has less water level issues."

Agreed. Did this route the first week of August. Water levels were low at some points but not bad. We did not see another person for 4 days.
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Rockwood Outfitters