BWCA Van transportation from outfitters on Gunflint Trail Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Van transportation from outfitters on Gunflint Trail     
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09/30/2023 07:37AM  
I'm starting tentative trip planning for 2024. One of the options I'm considering is entry point at Sag or Seagull. This would be the first time I'm entering off of the Gunflint Trail. One route I'm considering is a one-way trip to Brule.

Neither Voyageur or Seagull outfitters offer driving transportation to entry points on their websites. Any ideas for an outfitter that could accommodate this trip?
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distinguished member(2121)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/30/2023 09:21AM  
Call and ask Seagull about it. They drove me to 81 Landing on Sag every time no questions asked. Granted that is a lot shorter than a drive to Brule.
distinguished member(3464)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/30/2023 09:50AM  
SaganagaJoe: "Call and ask Seagull about it..."

Seagull drove us to Round Lake. Probably not on their website as it is not a common service.
09/30/2023 04:27PM  
It could be hard to find an outfitter willing to shuttle from Seagull to Brule. That's a long drive and if you did find one would probably be quite pricey. If I were you I would have Rockwood lodge shuttle me to Seagull and then takeout at Poplar lake then you just paddle through Brule.
09/30/2023 06:30PM  
There are lots of loops or short shuttle 'almost loop' routes off the Gunflint. I agree that a shuttle to Brule would be long and expensive. The route Missing Link or Cross Bay Lake to Poplar has lots of possible variations including a pass through Brule. You could work with either Tuscarora or Rockwood for the shuttle and maybe a bunkhouse and Breakfast.

There are lots of loops to do from Brule itself if you are not dead set on a Gunflint Trail visit.

I did a trip that started with Missing Link to Long Island and then looped around through Cherokee, Brule, Winchell and back to Long Island before exiting at Cross Bay Access. A short walk back to the car at Round Lake access. Repeating part of the route was actually very pleasant with familiar places. Cross River route from Long Island to Cross River Access is very scenic.
Three Headwaters Route

I always recommend doing the shuttle at the start of the trip so you don't have a deadline meet up time on your last day. You can exit at your leisure with your vehicle waiting for you.
distinguished member (132)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/01/2023 06:24PM  
Try Hungry Jack Outfitters. Ten or so years ago they shuttled my brother in law to Crane Lake when he and a friend did a traverse of the BWCA. And I think HJO picked them up in Grand Portage.
distinguished member (146)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/05/2023 03:58PM  
I've done a lot of drop offs and pickups for outfitters. I'll never depend on a pickup
ever again. Usually weather, or lazy paddlers, last one I did I had to sleep in
my van 24 hours late.! My experience says, you leave vehicle at exit point, and don't depend
on me or my kind!!! I won't stay there for you.
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