BWCA Gunflint Day Trips Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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03/20/2024 08:41AM  
Hi all,

I am planning to stay at the NFS campground at Iron Lake off the Gunflint Trail in late May.

What are some canoe day trips you would recommend off the Gunflint Trail?

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distinguished member (389)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/20/2024 09:00AM  
Johnson Falls is doable - start early and can hike up the palisades on Clearwater on the way out if time permits! I'd find this day trip hard to beat!
03/20/2024 09:16AM  
you can spend an entire day paddling iron and little iron, fish a little for bluegills and other fish, pretty lakes
distinguished member (437)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/20/2024 09:54AM  
Johnson Falls is a big day trip but shouldn't be missed. If you tire of paddling you can hike in to see Rose Falls or Bridal Veil Falls (or both!) The first couple miles of the Kekekabic trail make a nice day hike as well, with less waterfalls and more historical mines. Get lunch at Trail Center, and dinner (make reservations!) at Poplar Haus. Spend a day at Trails End, touring the Chik-Wauk Museum and Nature Center (Open May 25th).

If you fancy stocked trout you came to the right place! There are Rainbows in Mayhew, Birch, Extortion and Leo, Browns (maybe) in Mayhew, Brookies in Surber, Meditation and Little Portage, and Splake in Portage. And of course there are Lake trout in many/most of the bigger lakes in the area.

03/20/2024 10:11AM  
OMGitsKa: "Johnson Falls is doable - start early and can hike up the palisades on Clearwater on the way out if time permits! I'd find this day trip hard to beat!

This would be Clearwater->Caribou->Little Caribou->Pine?

What portage trail is Johnson Falls accessible from? The one from Pine->Canoe?
03/20/2024 10:19AM  
Mocha: "you can spend an entire day paddling iron and little iron, fish a little for bluegills and other fish, pretty lakes"

I was planning to spend at least a day exploring Iron.

I had not noticed Little Iron until you mentioned it. It does look like it would have a lot of shoreline to explore.

Have you ever made it over to Tucker?

Is there a portage from Iron to Portage? It looks like there is a small creek/channel between these lakes? Does the water enter or leave Iron?

Have you fished Tucker or Portage?

distinguished member (437)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/20/2024 10:28AM  
This would be Clearwater->Caribou->Little Caribou->Pine?
What portage trail is Johnson Falls accessible from? The one from Pine->Canoe?

Upper and Lower Johnson Falls are just upstream west and a little south from the westernmost point of Pine Lake. Clearwater-Caribou-Little Caribou-Pine is one option to get there and E Bearskin-Alder-Canoe is another. If you take the second route you can leave your canoe at Canoe and hike to the falls from there. I've never heard of anyone hiking to the falls from the Little Caribou-Pine portage but I'm sure it's been done. The trail to the falls starts at the end of the Canoe-Pine portage.
distinguished member(1059)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/20/2024 11:02AM  
Seagull is within reach and I would recommend considering it, depending on how many days you have. Saganaga is less attractive for this sort of thing, IMO.
03/20/2024 11:29AM  
Crossbay entry to Crossbay....portage to Snipe, Missing Link, back to Round. Walk back down the public landing road to your vehicle at Crossbay parking lot. Then go take a hike up to the Magnetic Rock. About 50 minutes to get up there if I recall
distinguished member(5742)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/20/2024 02:53PM  
rdgbwca: "
OMGitsKa: "Johnson Falls is doable - start early and can hike up the palisades on Clearwater on the way out if time permits! I'd find this day trip hard to beat!

This would be Clearwater->Caribou->Little Caribou->Pine?

What portage trail is Johnson Falls accessible from? The one from Pine->Canoe?

Here is some information about Johnson Falls
03/20/2024 06:05PM  
Mocha: "you can spend an entire day paddling iron and little iron, fish a little for bluegills and other fish, pretty lakes"

I was planning to spend at least a day exploring Iron.

I had not noticed Little Iron until you mentioned it. It does look like it would have a lot of shoreline to explore.
…….I really enjoyed all the little bays, nooks a crannies. Take. Binocs along for sure for animals and birds.

Have you ever made it over to Tucker?
…….yes, I’ve fished Tucker, there are “eater” walleyes in the lake.

Is there a portage from Iron to Portage? It looks like there is a small creek/channel between these lakes? Does the water enter or leave Iron?
……last I was there, 7 years ago, you could find the portage into Tucker. Tucker lake no longer has a public access, as I was told by people’s living up there. The Tucker Lake Rd turns into a private access road to private homes.

I’ve only been into portage In The winter so not sure about summer access.

Have you fished Tucker or Portage?
03/20/2024 08:34PM  
The OP reminds me of my first ever BWCA trip - up the Gunflint with my brother and my Sears 17’ aluminum canoe in July or August 1973.
We were really wowed by the area and day paddled a number of different lakes and camped in several USFS campgrounds. I have been back many more times.
distinguished member (434)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/21/2024 08:15AM  
Another vote for Seagull if it's calm out. You can circumnavigate the perimeter of the lake, the Islands on the North side are really spectacular.

Johnson Falls would also be cool, the easiest route being from Clearwater Lake, but you can also access from East Bearskin Lake for a longer trip. If you're not carrying packs and single-portaging then either should be totally doable.

A third recommendation if you're into wildlife would be Poplar into Liz/Caribou/Horseshoe, known as the most popular location along the Gunflint for Moose Viewing. Odds are generally in your favor to see one there over anywhere else.

03/24/2024 03:13PM  
Mocha: "you can spend an entire day paddling iron and little iron, fish a little for bluegills and other fish, pretty lakes"

+1 very nice lakes

E. Bearskin to Crocodile to catch a walleye dinner.
03/24/2024 07:13PM  
fadersup: "
Mocha: "you can spend an entire day paddling iron and little iron, fish a little for bluegills and other fish, pretty lakes"

+1 very nice lakes

E. Bearskin to Crocodile to catch a walleye dinner."

Walleye dinner would be great.

Thanks to those who replied for the suggestions.

distinguished member(2038)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/27/2024 05:48PM  
Day trip to Rose Falls (on the portage between Duncan L and Rose Lake). You can also hike to some stunning overlooks along there.
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