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03/25/2024 09:55PM  
I'll be volunteering at an event in the coming weeks and myself and another fella are going to be helping people who are interested in planning a BWCA trip. I'm no expert but have been on about 30 trips and always seek to get into a new area and travel as much as possible for each trip.

I'm looking to pull together a short list of "parameters" that I can have handy to help people talk about what they're hoping to get out of a trip.

What aspects of the trip do you think will be most important to ask about?

Some ideas:

Entry from Gunflint, Tofte, or Ely
Experience as it relates to paddling/portaging/navigation
Base-camp vs. multiple sites
Interests in fishing, hiking, isolation, overlooks, historical sites
Avoidance (higher bear activity, big water, certain bug hatches)

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distinguished member (144)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/26/2024 07:15AM  
"Portaging" always seems to be high on the list that people ask about. How to do it, how to avoid it, how many are there, how long are they.

I'd rank "packing light" (aka "what to leave behind") up there as a critical parameter. I know I packed too heavy on my first trip and continue to leave things behind with each trip.

Thanks for sharing your wisdom with the next generation!
distinguished member(3464)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/26/2024 07:34AM  
OgimaaBines: "I'll be volunteering at an event in the coming weeks..."

Secret cult event? Or does it have a name, date, and time you'd like to advertise?
distinguished member (102)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/26/2024 09:06AM  
Kids are definitely a trip-changer.
03/26/2024 10:01AM  
I put together a scoping questionnaire doc a couple years back (accompanied by a YouTube video) that you might find useful:

Obviously feel free to tailor it to anything you see fit, based on your knowledge of the group or experiences you've had!
03/26/2024 04:10PM  
Compass and Map skills
03/26/2024 04:20PM  
Ages of those interested is good to know, and maybe if those ages are over 30 include a short section about how to get in shape and what type of physical activity is to be expected. This is something that could also be mentioned when asking what type of trip and how far to travel each day.

In addition to "packing light", I'd recommend assigning gear for each person or canoe to bring, unless it is all rented. Making it so everyone has a little "skin in the game" makes them far more likely to treat the gear with respect. Plus it makes everyone more a part of the planning and less just along for the ride.
distinguished member(1382)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/26/2024 04:31PM  
okinaw55: "Compass and Map skills"

I second what Dave said. So many people rely on GPS and wouldn't know which end of a map is up. At a MINIMUM, trippers should know how to orient the map to direction of travel, terrain associate, learn how to "aim off" a portage, and use a compass to determine cardinal directions. Better yet, learn how to always know where you are on the map. Learning how to shoot an azimuth would be best.

I've used GPS one time in the BWCA. Had map backup. I switched from GPS to the map backup on day two.


03/26/2024 06:37PM  
I recently completed a document for family and friends wanting to plan their own BW trip. It’s long and comprehensive. Email me if you’d like a copy.
03/26/2024 07:00PM  
bobbernumber3: "
OgimaaBines: "I'll be volunteering at an event in the coming weeks..."

Secret cult event? Or does it have a name, date, and time you'd like to advertise?"

Secret. So secret that I've risked everything just mentioning it!

Friends of the Boundary Waters-Spring Rendezvous
03/26/2024 07:04PM  
soundguy0918: ""Portaging" always seems to be high on the list that people ask about. How to do it, how to avoid it, how many are there, how long are they.

Thanks for sharing your wisdom with the next generation!"

You bet. Thanks for your feedback SG
03/26/2024 07:05PM  
YardstickAngler: "Kids are definitely a trip-changer."

Of course, the who!
03/26/2024 07:11PM  
JD: "I put together a scoping questionnaire doc a couple years back (accompanied by a YouTube video) that you might find useful:

Obviously feel free to tailor it to anything you see fit, based on your knowledge of the group or experiences you've had!"

Much appreciated JD! This is great!
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