BWCA Water levels now? Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Water levels now?     
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04/20/2024 02:03PM  
Anyone have thoughts on the water levels? I am considering a trip next week that might include some river travel - among the possibles, I am considering ones that might get bony in a typical late-summer dry spell.
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distinguished member(3022)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2024 06:46PM  
Hey Steve,

Water levels were just a little high last weekend on my trip. And with the several bouts of soaking rain recently along the border I’ll venture to guess that the water is about as high as it will get for the near future.

You gotta go!
04/20/2024 07:10PM  
Thanks Tom - I do believe I will.

04/21/2024 08:00PM  
Compared to a normal spring they are lower water guage
04/21/2024 10:17PM  
Pinetree: "Compared to a normal spring they are lower water guage "

Interesting - other than 12 months ago, I don't see a way to view historical data - is there one? And/or long-term averages?
senior member (72)senior membersenior member
04/22/2024 06:58AM  
If you click on Change Time Span you can enter dates going back to 2007.
04/22/2024 11:33AM  
Any thoughts/experience on how Frost River water levels ay be in late May?
distinguished member(1172)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/23/2024 07:00PM  
SCpaddler: "Any thoughts/experience on how Frost River water levels ay be in late May?"

I will be there in 1 week and can report
04/24/2024 09:10AM  
I seen a lake on facebook by Ely down 2 feet from normal.
distinguished member(5742)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/24/2024 09:57AM  
tumblehome: "Hey Steve,

Water levels were just a little high last weekend on my trip. And with the several bouts of soaking rain recently along the border I’ll venture to guess that the water is about as high as it will get for the near future.

You gotta go!

This post still best sums up the current situation.
05/08/2024 11:49AM  
SCpaddler: "Any thoughts/experience on how Frost River water levels ay be in late May?"

Hi SCpaddler, was wondering the same thing. I plan to do the Frost on 5/29. You?
05/08/2024 06:42PM  
wkdlstr: "
SCpaddler: "Any thoughts/experience on how Frost River water levels ay be in late May?"

Hi SCpaddler, was wondering the same thing. I plan to do the Frost on 5/29. You? "

I’m doing it in a few days, I’ll let you know.
05/15/2024 10:32PM  
just returned from Insula via Lake 1 for fishing opener.
Been doing this trip for years, water levels are near normal or a little low but nothing drastic.
05/16/2024 04:38AM  
Just did the Frost River loop last weekend and the water levels were excellent, great trip.

Went in at Cross Bay and exited @ Missing Link
05/16/2024 09:39AM  
ISRO: "Just did the Frost River loop last weekend and the water levels were excellent, great trip.

Went in at Cross Bay and exited @ Missing Link"

Thanks for the update ISRO. Will be on the Frost River in 2 weeks. By "excellent" water levels did you mean you had more or less than 10 beaver dams to pull over on?
05/16/2024 06:18PM  
wkdlstr: "
ISRO: "Just did the Frost River loop last weekend and the water levels were excellent, great trip.

Went in at Cross Bay and exited @ Missing Link"

Thanks for the update ISRO. Will be on the Frost River in 2 weeks. By "excellent" water levels did you mean you had more or less than 10 beaver dams to pull over on? "

More, but I am pretty meticulous about my Magic............grin
distinguished member (102)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/26/2024 08:21PM  
Frost River water level update. Traveled the river on Monday 5/20.

Lifted over 2 beaver dams. Ran 17 total beaver dams, 3 of which were very small and just a float through. Didn’t need the portage into Octopus.

distinguished member(1382)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/27/2024 02:26PM  
We just got back from a week on Horseshoe Lake. We stayed at the isolated campsite in the southeast arm of the lake.

The Tuesday (and into Wednesday) rain was torrential and raised the level of the water (by six to eight inches) flowing out by way of the Brule River. Water was clearly higher coming out than when we put in. Same for Caribou and Lizz.

Small sample size, but my experience.

member (22)member
05/27/2024 06:16PM  
YardstickAngler: "Frost River water level update. Traveled the river on Monday 5/20.

Lifted over 2 beaver dams. Ran 17 total beaver dams, 3 of which were very small and just a float through. Didn’t need the portage into Octopus.


I’ve never been on that route, how do those levels compare to “normal” for this time of year?
distinguished member (102)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/27/2024 10:58PM  
It was my first time through there. Not sure what normal is for this time of year, but my sense is that levels were very good to excellent for my trip through there. And then it rained a bunch more.
distinguished member (200)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/18/2024 08:24PM  
This is a campsite across from the Lac La Croix pictographs. You can see how far the water is up. This photo was taken on 6/16/24. That’s before the multiple inches currently falling there on 6/18/24.

09/11/2024 08:55PM  
It's always good to check the current water levels before your trip, especially in late summer when things can get low. You might want to look at recent reports or use a water level app to see if the rivers you're considering are getting too shallow. Some rivers can get pretty bony this time of year, so it’s better to be safe and plan accordingly.
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