BWCA Sold wife on Gunflint, now need lodge Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Sold wife on Gunflint, now need lodge     
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05/29/2024 11:24AM  
After many years, i have convinced my wife to experience what all of us here have known for years! Please tell me your favorite lodge and why. I expect we will spend 3-5 days in a cabin, hiking, enjoying the outdoors, maybe get her in a canoe for a day trip, etc.

Thanks in advance for your opinions.
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05/29/2024 11:28AM  
While I can't help with lodge info in the gunflint area, I have to tell you how much I laughed when I read that you sold your wife and were looking for a lodge!
distinguished member(1365)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/29/2024 11:55AM  
TrailZen: "While I can't help with lodge info in the gunflint area, I have to tell you how much I laughed when I read that you sold your wife and were looking for a lodge!

Ha! That's how I read it initially. He went up to Gunflint, sold his wife there, and now needs a lodge. Too funny.

As for the OP: start looking for a lodge now, for 2025. I doubt you'll find anything open for the remainder of the summer, but you never know.

My wife and I have stayed at White Pine Lodge (formerly Big Bear) the nights before putting into the Lizz Lake entry, and the nights we come out. It's under (relatively) new ownership...a young couple who are enthusiastic and attentive and strive to make your experience great. They have three lodge rooms, all small, but wonderfully appointed, and each with a bathroom. They also have several cabins, though I have not stayed there.

Rockwood is always a good option. I visited some friends in cabin 12 this last weekend. It's too big for two people. I was also afforded a tour of cabin 3. Cabin 3 used to be an old rustic log cabin with a lot of charm...old logs and a slightly tilited floor. It's getting a makeover as we speak, and may be done by now. It's perfect for two.

Clearwater Lodge has one large apartment-style room. It has a kitchen and bathroom. However, the room looks over the parking lot which gets very dusty, and can blow dust in. But it's a cute room for two.

I don't know what you would consider expensive, but the lodges and cabins on the GT are not cheap.

Hope this helps a bit.


05/29/2024 12:36PM  
Mike, Thanks, a wordsmith I am not. But in re reading this, it is pretty funny. I'll check out the places you suggest.
05/29/2024 02:33PM  
Best attention getter ever........ LOL.

We go to Rockwood every year as a family for a cabin stay and really like it there. We always book for the next year when we check out. They treat our family really well and give our kids the VIP treatment. Poplar has 3 entry points into the BWCA for day trips and with it being mid trail you are close to lots of other options for bwca daytrips and good hiking trails. It's also close to my favorite restaurant the Trail Center. Our kids like the SUP's and kayaks that you can use for free down by the outfitting building. You also get an aluminum canoe to use.

If you are looking for this year keep an eye on their facebook page as they will post cancellations throughout the summer. They usually get booked up pretty quickly when they post a cancellation. They just posted an cancellation for July 13-23 a couple of days ago with a 4 night minimum that might still be available. If you are looking for next year they open up reservations 11 months out and by November they usually don't have much available for the next summer already.

The owners at Rockwood talk very highly in person and on their facebook page about White Pine Lodge where Mike stays. They are in the same bay on Poplar as Rockwood.

We have also stayed in each of the 2 different cabins that they rent at the Trail Center during different years and really liked staying there also.

We stayed at Bearskin Lodge once and that is also a very nice place, but they are very spendy. We went there during October about 15 years ago with a last minute special they offered so it wasn't too bad. A possible long daytrip to Johnson Falls from there or a shorter daytrip to Crocodile for some good walleye fishing for eater size fish.

I've use Clearwater's bunk house when Rockwood is full and was treated well there. Their cabins look really nice and Clearwater Lake is beautiful with good daytrip options beyond to other lakes.

I have not stayed at Tuscarora Lodge, but I bet it's a nice place to stay with multiple daytrip options to Brandt, Missing Link, or Crossbay entry points. There aren't any other cabins on Round besides Tuscarora Lodge so it's quiet.
05/29/2024 03:57PM  
I have stayed at Tuscarora cabins. Most have their own dock on lake. Decent smallie fishing on Round...a walleye or 2 can be found. Very quiet and secluded. Only people you see on lake are trippers going to/from the lodge or the public landing which can't be seen from the lodge. Also close to Magnetic Rock Trail and Centennial Trail off the Kek.
05/29/2024 07:27PM  
Please advise best place to sell mine!
distinguished member(1682)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/29/2024 07:39PM  
sns: "Please advise best place to sell mine!"

I sold mine on the dark web.

I don’t think there is a single lodge on the trail that will disappoint you. Their livelihood depends on happy customers and they are all quite good at seeing to that in my experience. I have personally had lovely experiences at Clearwater, Hungry Jack, and Gunflint Lodge.

Clearwater has a cabin or two that are not as fancy as the rest, with lower rates and (sometimes) more availability.
distinguished member (434)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/29/2024 07:48PM  
I would recommend Tuscarora. I have not stayed anywhere else, to be clear. But that is because we haven't needed to. We have used their bunkhouse many times over the years with larger groups before we head out for a 5 night trip.
Andy and Ada are great. Very neat, secluded cabins set in tall pines on Round Lake. A large LODGE for families with maybe 4 separate bedrooms and shared kitchen and large living room. Also smaller cabins with docs, couple bedrooms in each. Only time I stayed in a cabin was with my wife who doesn't love the work of a canoe trip and the kids were 5 and 6. Really nice clean cabins on the lake. Wife loved that, just not the idea of a tent for nights on end.

Anyway, would HIGHLY recommend them. Great people, great location, great place.

You can do day trips in a few directions but out through Ham down to crossbay or long island is a neat trip. The other way to different lakes that I have not been to is also popular.

Im sure the others are nice also but... I have no experience with them.

distinguished member (376)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/29/2024 08:27PM  
Have only stayed at Trail Center. Not the view some of the others have, but nice folks and great food at the restaurant. Would go back again in a minute.
Still smiling at your catchy byline! :)
05/30/2024 10:44AM  
TrailZen: "While I can't help with lodge info in the gunflint area, I have to tell you how much I laughed when I read that you sold your wife and were looking for a lodge!

Very, very funny!! My favorite Lodge on the Gunflint is the Golden Eagle. They are the only property on Flour Lake, have beautiful and well cared for cabins and are one portage away from the BW.
member (41)member
05/30/2024 12:11PM  
When I first saw this, I figured you thought that running a lodge was a lot less work than having a wife and were halfway to completing that exchange. I laughed out loud! Thanks for the smile!

I stayed at White Pine lodge last summer for one night. Small room but was very nice and the location on the Gunflint is great for exploring in several directions. Rented a canoe from Tuscarora for my solo into BW and while I only saw the cabins from the outside, the layout of the area and the cabins seemed very nice.

If a cabin doesn't work out and camping is an option, Iron Lake Campground is a great little spot (only 7 sites but some overlook the lake). Exploring Iron Lake and Little Iron Lake is good and the BW entry is off of Iron Lake's east end.

If you do find a spot on the Gunflint, I highly recommend the duck wings at the Poplar Haus. They are amazing!
distinguished member (132)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/30/2024 12:37PM  
Hungry Jack Lodge. Caribou Rock hiking trail just about starts at their doorstep. There’s access to handful of lakes that would make for a fun day trip…Duncan, Daniels, Moss, etc. Great location up the trail. Food at their restaurant is really good also. Hungry Jack has one of the best quality smallmouth fishing up there as well.
05/30/2024 11:51PM  
I just read the title and haven't read the message yet but the suspense is killing me, how much $$$ did you get for her?
member (22)member
05/31/2024 09:27AM  
A bit of a bias I'd worked as a naturalist/canoe guide at Gunflint Lodge back in 1976 (wife and I did a nine day trip up the Granite in 2021 - great to be back!)

But truly...Gunflint Lodge, in addition to being a great place to relax and enjoy for a few days - is also a great place to begin a trip - feasting on an amazing breakfast out on the patio...with its direct view across the lake to the narrows into Magnetic and your entry point - your canoe also fully loaded at waterside, ready to shove off for a great adventure!

05/31/2024 12:05PM  
What did you get for her :-)
05/31/2024 12:31PM  
I have experience with 4 lodges/cabins up the Gunflint; my favorites are Tuscarora and White Pine.

Most of my experience is with Tuscarora in both summer and winter over a decade or so. Here's what I like best about Tuscarora: (1) excellent customer service - you get what you need in a timely, friendly and helpful manner; (2) cabins are well provisioned, clean, with views of Round Lk; (3) paddling, hiking/snowshoeing daytrips abound (e.g., you're very close to Magnetic Rock and Kek trailheads, paddle the Snipe Lk loop or just to Missing Link or go all the way to Tuscarora); (4) Round Lk is a gem right out of an old Hamm's beer commercial.

I've stayed at a lodge room and cabin at White Pine. What I like best: (1) adorable digs with access to gorgeous lodge, delicious homemade pizza, good selection of beer, and of course Clarence the dog; (2) friendly service; (3) very clean lodging and well kept grounds; (4) access to South Lk and Caribou Rock trailheads, and endless paddling daytrip opportunities (my fave is Poplar to Skipper - the mile portage is pretty easy).

distinguished member(937)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/02/2024 09:35AM  
How much did yiu get for her did she come with a boat or possibly a canoe!! Haha. Rockwood is awesome.. stayed there many times but the views on Clearwater are legendary!!
06/04/2024 08:24AM  
Have stayed at Rockwood many times, also Clearwater a few times. Loved both. Also have stayed at one of the cabins at Trail Center; as was said before, not much of a view, but proximity to the restaurant is somewhat of a plus. Nice cabin.

Make your reservation for 2025 as soon as you can. These places book up a year in advance. We will be at Rockwood in ten days (staying for a week), and we made our reservation at the end of last year's stay.

All of these places are very near to BWCA entry points, and day trips are easy to do. There are other adventures you can find, too. Hike to Magnetic Rock. Enjoy the trails and the museum at ChikWauk. Climb the Clearwater Palisade and soak in the view (fantastic!). Hike up to the top of Honeymoon Bluff; sunset is the best time, but any time it is a lovely view of Hungry Jack Lake and surrounding area.

I miss our wilderness canoe trips, but I have found, in the last 10 years, that my "cabin week" on the Gunflint is a treat that never disappoints.
distinguished member(2195)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/06/2024 10:37PM  
TrailZen: "While I can't help with lodge info in the gunflint area, I have to tell you how much I laughed when I read that you sold your wife and were looking for a lodge!

That's exactly how I read that. I was thinking "how much did you get for her?"
06/08/2024 12:45AM  
analyzer: "
TrailZen: "While I can't help with lodge info in the gunflint area, I have to tell you how much I laughed when I read that you sold your wife and were looking for a lodge!

That's exactly how I read that. I was thinking "how much did you get for her?""

Me too! Sounded too good to be true.
06/11/2024 12:08AM  
We typically spend one night somewhere before we paddle in. I'm too old for bunkhouses now, I need a real mattress, unless I'm in the woods. We have stayed at Clearwater Lodge twice, once in a cabin and one in the rooms upstairs with a shared bathroom. Free breakfast in the morning, they'll bake a pie for you when you come back, the porch is amazing. It's an old log longhouse. Very peaceful at night. Often they have a campfire as well.
distinguished member(1461)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/12/2024 02:39PM  
This should be the name of a country western song!
06/23/2024 08:40PM  
If you are still looking for this year, Rockwood just finished remodeling Cabin 3 and it is now available to book for the rest of the this season starting June 28.
06/24/2024 09:45AM  
ducks: "If you are still looking for this year, Rockwood just finished remodeling Cabin 3 and it is now available to book for the rest of the this season starting June 28. "

perfect timing!!! thanks for this update. i was just on their site 2 days ago looking for anything this season.
member (30)member
06/26/2024 12:39PM  
If you are still looking for a lodge/cabin on the Gunflint Trail, I can vouch for Gunflint Lodge, Borderland Lodge (previously called Cross River Lodge), and Bearskin Lodge. We have had great experiences at all three, and all are on border lakes where it is doable to canoe straight from the lodge into the BWCA. However, I would add that Gunflint Lodge (on the southern shore of Gunflint Lake) is my least favorite of the three, due to the fact that you must first cross that lake in order to get into Magnetic and the Granite River route. I've dealt with strong winds on Gunflint and would prefer never to paddle across it again. Borderland Lodge is on the north shore of Gunflint Lake, very close to the entrance into Magnetic, which saves on paddling time. From Bearskin Lodge, you have two options for entering the BWCA -- Crocodile Lake or Alder Lake.
distinguished member(8101)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/26/2024 02:09PM  
MikeinMpls: "Rockwood is always a good option. I visited some friends in cabin 12 this last weekend. It's too big for two people. I was also afforded a tour of cabin 3. Cabin 3 used to be an old rustic log cabin with a lot of charm...old logs and a slightly tilited floor. It's getting a makeover as we speak, and may be done by now. It's perfect for two. "

We love Rockwood's Cabin 5, "The Honeymoon Cabin." A cozy spot for two. Carl was also quite proud to show us his recently remodeled Cabin 9... sleeps 4 people (2 beds in the single bedroom). Very nice.

The Wolf Cabin at Hungry Jack Lodge is another spot that we've enjoyed - twice - both as a canoe base and when doing Border Route Trail hikes. Another 'room for two' type with a great view from above the lake.
06/26/2024 05:05PM  
We were lucky to snag the newly remodeled 3 for mid-July. Soooo excited! Been trying to get some dates up there for a few years and always too late.

Thanks to Ducks for his timely post about the remodel project being complete.
06/26/2024 08:13PM  
Mocha: "We were lucky to snag the newly remodeled 3 for mid-July. Soooo excited! Been trying to get some dates up there for a few years and always too late.

Thanks to Ducks for his timely post about the remodel project being complete."

You’re welcome and glad it worked out. We’ll just miss you as we’ll be staying in 12 the last week of July.

You’re going to love 3. Mike and Carl gave me a tour when I stopped in for my younger daughter to use the shower house while we were all staying at East Bearskin campground the week of the 12th. They did an outstanding job on it.

They will have a Cabin 8 opening up sometime as well. Maybe even later this summer? They purchased the neighbors cabin and property that will become cabin 8. Carl gave my older daughter and me a tour of that one while we were helping with the gunflint cleanup. That one is going to be very private and very cool.

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