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senior member (75)senior membersenior member
03/20/2019 06:56AM  
I have a flexible schedule. How many days minimum to reserve Quetico permit before entry?
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distinguished member(3464)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/20/2019 07:06AM  
I don't know the real answer to your question. But, you can paddle to an entry point and pick up any open permits available. If all are taken, you can camp at the entry point and wait for an open permit. I have never done this, but was told by a Quetico Ranger.

Your reservation is not your permit. The park permit must be picked up in person at a designated ranger station prior to entering Quetico Park.
03/20/2019 08:23AM  
03/20/2019 08:45AM  
I have reserved permits the night before entry to Prairie Portage on numerous occasions.
distinguished member(1403)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/20/2019 12:08PM  
Why not call the park before leaving home and ask how things look? I would guess that any amount of flexibility on your part will get you a camping permit.
senior member (75)senior membersenior member
03/20/2019 12:50PM  
Thanks all wasn't sure when you got a permit how long it took for the outposts to get the info. Sounds like right away.
distinguished member(3464)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/20/2019 01:25PM  
Ranger Stations have contact with Quetico HQ via radio if there are issues with reservations, emergencies, etc.
distinguished member(3022)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/20/2019 01:32PM  
And you can always go to the Ontario parks/quetico web pages to see the current available quota for all entry points at any time.

To start enter 'back country' on the reservation type drop down menu on the left side at step one. Then click on a green tab on that page to get to your next steps.

After you do that some tabs will appear in the middle of the page.
Availability list
Availability calendar
Availability report.

All are helpful but the report tab will show you taken reservations and available reservation for all of Quetico within dates you specify. It's worth playing around with.

distinguished member(1403)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/22/2019 07:48AM  
tumblehome: "And you can always go to the Ontario parks/quetico web pages to see the current available quota for all entry points at any time.

To start enter 'back country' on the reservation type drop down menu on the left side at step one. Then click on a green tab on that page to get to your next steps.

After you do that some tabs will appear in the middle of the page.
Availability list
Availability calendar
Availability report.

All are helpful but the report tab will show you taken reservations and available reservation for all of Quetico within dates you specify. It's worth playing around with.

Nice. I didn't know this. Thanks.
distinguished member (153)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/08/2019 07:33PM  
Does someone mind explaining how the different permits work for the same entrance point? For instance, when I look at the Ontario Parks website, there are 6 selections for the "Prairie Portage station". I note all the Agnes permits are gone. Don't understand why the Carp Lake, Sarah Lake, etc are different if you can enter the park at all the same location. Are you not entering Quetico at Prairie Portage? What's the advantage of the Agnes permit? Does this restrict where you can actually camp with the backcountry permit? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
04/09/2019 12:28AM  
The entry point rule is that you must head directly to the entry point lake (for example If you score a Kahshapiwi permit you can't travel to Kahsh via Agnes or Sarah). There are two entry point permit types that allow you to head to Agnes (for a total of 7 permits/day)- The "Agnes Lake" permit and the "Agnes Lake/Basswood Basecamp" permit. The Agnes/Basswood Basecamp allows travel through Agnes or Basecamping on North Bay, Merriam Bay or Ranger Bay of Basswood lake. Once you paddle on your permit lake you are free to travel where you want in the park (the exception being the Agnes/Basecamp permit; you only get travel freedom if you go to Agnes)
distinguished member(8737)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/09/2019 06:41AM  
Q is different than BWCA wher entry points are at the edge of the wilderness. Prairie Portage is not an entry point. I call it an access point, along with the other ranger stations. Q entry points are a ways in. One of several basic differences.
distinguished member (153)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/09/2019 06:53PM  
Thanks for clearing that up.
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