BWCA Prairie Portage hiring? Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Quetico Forum
      Prairie Portage hiring?     



senior member (62)senior membersenior member
04/21/2022 12:42PM  
I saw a job announcement/application for Quetico Park today in my Facebook feed. It appears to be an application for a job at Prairie Portage Ranger station.
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04/21/2022 01:39PM  
Woohoo that's a good sign
distinguished member(1197)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/21/2022 02:06PM  
Wouldn’t that be nice
04/21/2022 02:24PM  
That is a good sign. I did t see specifically where it said Prairie Portage but I could have easily missed it. They did seem to clearly be talking about jobs that would seem to be Prairie Portage or Cache Bay ranger station’s.

I googled for any new news on the RABC’s and didn’t see anything. One of our congressman had petitioned Trudeau to open ip the RABC program recently though.

senior member (62)senior membersenior member
04/21/2022 06:47PM  
For clarity's sake, I don't think it mentioned either remote Ranger station by name, but I too thought it was clearly describing one of those two entry points.
04/21/2022 08:12PM  
How do I apply? :)
distinguished member(3464)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/22/2022 08:08AM  
Hope Jason is still there at PP.
distinguished member(7945)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/24/2022 07:21PM  
An update on the hiring of Quetico rangers:

I had an email exchange last week with Trevor Gibb, Quetico park superintendent, and he said they're taking applications in an effort to be prepared should anything change regarding the issuing of the RABC permits and an increase in permits being issued in general. Trevor claimed that he had no inside information because it's not an Ontario law that would need to be reinstated, but a Canadian law.

He also had no idea if the Sand Point customs station would open this year.

For those of you holding off on going to Q because you would prefer to enter at LLC, PP or Cache Bay, seriously consider entering from the north. There are plenty of great entry points, lakes, campsites and routes from the north that anyone going to Quetico would enjoy, and since you cross the border on the highway at International Falls, no RABC permit is needed.
04/24/2022 10:51PM  
bobbernumber3: "Hope Jason is still there at PP."

Is this sarcasm?

I guess you have had different discussions with him than me…one time his co-worker struck up a conversation with me back in the store area. She was pumping me for information and just genuinely seemed starved to talk and joke around with people. I am rather soft spoken so we weren’t loud…when Jason stops his talk with his group and yells at me to get out of the store…his coworker invited me in…did most of the talking…it was harmless…the whole scene was super awkward. His co-worker definitely wasn’t pleased with him. It was just so over the top and out of place…she did make him apologize when I came back in…maybe he had anger management classes before you interacted with him?

distinguished member(8734)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/25/2022 05:48AM  
I found Jason to be a friendly and helpful person. We chatted about SR Tranquilities - we both own - and a stripper he was building. Good guy in my experience.
distinguished member(3464)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/25/2022 09:39AM  
timatkn: "
bobbernumber3: "Hope Jason is still there at PP."

Is this sarcasm?


No. Just wishing him well.
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