BWCA Sometimes I worry... Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      Sometimes I worry...     



distinguished member(1727)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2024 10:35PM  
...I'm struggling with early-onset Alzheimers.

Sometimes I struggle with the self-checkout line and require help from the eye-rolling teenager in the khakis and the untucked polo shirt, all the while listening to the sighs and foot shuffling of the younger people behind me in line.

Sometimes I stop at a roundabout when I shouldn't. Or go when I shouldn't. Or I cut it a bit too closely and the boat trailer rides up over the curb and takes out a few magnolias.

Sometimes I get confused when someone mentions a zipper merge, and I check to see if my fly is open.

Sometimes I accidentally take pictures of myself when I'm trying to use my phone to take pictures of a good deal at a garage sale to send to my buddy Marv.

BUT...I know I'm still OK when I figure out how to reserve a permit using the Quetico online reservation system.

We're all set for June!
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04/20/2024 10:46PM  
It’s all good then :)
04/20/2024 11:41PM  
It can definitely be a mental exercise if you only do it once a year as I do.

I would say you are still mentally sharp and passed the most important test that really matters. :)
distinguished member(3022)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/21/2024 06:47AM  
Don’t forget to pee before you go in your tent, or at the very least, keep the shoes next to the door so when you wake up at 2:30 and have to go, you know where they are.

04/21/2024 08:01AM  
tumblehome: "Don’t forget to pee before you go in your tent, or at the very least, keep the shoes next to the door so when you wake up at 2:30 and have to go, you know where they are. "

The reason to keep a "pre-BPA free" Nalgene in your kit.
distinguished member(3464)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/21/2024 08:41AM  
Banksiana: "
tumblehome: "Don’t forget to pee before you go in your tent, or at the very least, keep the shoes next to the door so when you wake up at 2:30 and have to go, you know where they are."

The reason to keep a "pre-BPA free" Nalgene in your kit;"

04/21/2024 09:07AM  
Great post. With your permission I'd like to forward it to my provincial member of parliament.

04/21/2024 10:02AM  
carmike: "...I'm struggling with early-onset Alzheimers.

BUT...I know I'm still OK when I figure out how to reserve a permit using the Quetico online reservation system. "

Yep, the online permit system is an annual challenge! We're now set for August--hope your June trip is fantastic.

04/21/2024 03:58PM  
bobbernumber3: "
Banksiana: "
tumblehome: "Don’t forget to pee before you go in your tent, or at the very least, keep the shoes next to the door so when you wake up at 2:30 and have to go, you know where they are."

The reason to keep a "pre-BPA free" Nalgene in your kit;"


distinguished member(1460)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/21/2024 11:25PM  
Banksiana: "The reason to keep a "pre-BPA free" Nalgene in your kit."

distinguished member(1984)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/23/2024 12:26PM  
tumblehome: "Don’t forget to pee before you go in your tent, or at the very least, keep the shoes next to the door so when you wake up at 2:30 and have to go, you know where they are.
I am okay with this plan for 2:30 am.
What about the other four times?
04/23/2024 01:25PM  
GraniteCliffs: "
tumblehome: "Don’t forget to pee before you go in your tent, or at the very least, keep the shoes next to the door so when you wake up at 2:30 and have to go, you know where they are.
I am okay with this plan for 2:30 am.
What about the other four times?

How big are your shoes?
member (24)member
04/23/2024 07:47PM  
Zippers should not be merging outside of wedlock.
04/24/2024 04:46PM  
Banksiana: "
tumblehome: "Don’t forget to pee before you go in your tent, or at the very least, keep the shoes next to the door so when you wake up at 2:30 and have to go, you know where they are. "

The reason to keep a "pre-BPA free" Nalgene in your kit."

20 years ago on a backpacking trip I kidded and teased my dad about his Gatorade bottle that went in the tent with him overnight.

Twenty years later I'm about to hit 50 and don't find it funny anymore...
distinguished member (121)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2024 03:29PM  
jhb8426: "
Banksiana: "The reason to keep a "pre-BPA free" Nalgene in your kit."


+2.....always bring an extra bottle with me these days. might even start bringing it on our warm weather holidays since i just barely escaped getting arrested in mexico last time we were there.
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