BWCA Tubman Creek, Tubman Lake, been there? Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      Tubman Creek, Tubman Lake, been there?     
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distinguished member(2981)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/30/2024 08:37AM  
I’m curious about the creek into Tubman. My map shows a nice open waterway but Google maps shows it pretty choked with little water.
Tubman Lake is connected to Sturgeon Lake on the NE side.

Not a whole lot of info on this lake. I’m not interested in fishing but traveling through. Anyone know anything they wish to share? If not publicly, email is fine too. Thanks.
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distinguished member (169)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/30/2024 09:51AM  
It's been a long time since I was in that area. Never to Tubman. Is Tubman the destination you are striving for or going beyond that?

I see the red marks on your map on Fred and west of Fred. We did that route 35 years ago through Allan and Bernice to Poo Bah. I remember a long stretch of the creek we had plenty of water to float but the bog was so tight we had reach forward in the canoe and pull ourselves along. It was quite the adventure!

Looking at the satellite view on google maps I think that looks like what may be in store on Tubman creek too.
05/30/2024 11:52AM  
Paging jdddl8.
05/31/2024 11:07PM  
Went into these lakes twenty years ago.

No opportunity to paddle creek and there was very little water. Portage was flat and not much of a trail and I remember one section was a beautiful meadow.

Not sure when your map was produced but does not seem representative at all what I experienced.

05/31/2024 11:07PM  
Went into these lakes twenty years ago.

No opportunity to paddle creek and there was very little water. Portage was flat and not much of a trail and I remember one section was a beautiful meadow.

Not sure when your map was produced but does not seem representative at all what I experienced.

06/04/2024 08:14PM  
I finally got into the lakes a few years ago. I tried last summer but there was no water in the creek. If you can get to the short portage, then you can walk across a meadow to a beaver pond. The next portage which has a trail starts at about the middle end of the beaver pond. You are then in the narrow section of the lake. There is a short portage which is really a beaver dam into the other lake. Unless water levels improve I suspect the creek will be dry.
06/04/2024 08:40PM  
There are some pictures of the creek and lakes in my trip photos:
06/04/2024 10:32PM  
Tom, I'm sure you are aware, but those lakes burned pretty hard in '21...

Aerial from 6 days ago:
distinguished member(2981)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/05/2024 12:20PM  
Hello all. Thank you for the info, updates and memories of travel there.
SNS I did not know those lakes are toasty so that's good to know.
There is a lot of new water up there with all the rain but I still might not go through there. I'm heading to Camel and trying to find some out of the way places to duck out from the crowds. Leaving on Friday out of Nym.
06/05/2024 01:44PM  
Have a great trip!!
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