BWCA Trip Report - Not exactly a trip report, but a Wall Street Journal story about escaping to the BWCA Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Not exactly a trip report, but a Wall Street Journal story about escaping to the BWCA     
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member (25)member
09/01/2020 12:23PM  
New Trip Report posted by fourkeelers

Trip Name: Not exactly a trip report, but a Wall Street Journal story about escaping to the BWCA.

Entry Point: 23

Click Here to View Trip Report
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distinguished member(915)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/02/2020 06:32AM  
I actually met them on Horse Lake. I won't say how, but they actually saved my butt! Super cool guys, glad to have met them.
09/03/2020 05:06PM  
Not quite your typical WSJ article. Thanks for posting.
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