BWCA Trip Report - Isabella to Little Gabbro 2021 Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Isabella to Little Gabbro 2021     



member (14)member
08/09/2021 12:58PM  
New Trip Report posted by AdventureRob

Trip Name: Isabella to Little Gabbro 2021.

Entry Point: 35

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distinguished member(2038)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/09/2021 01:28PM  
I think you accidentally put August 25th as your entry date. Did you mean July 25th?
08/10/2021 12:21PM  
The photo of someone walking a canoe through the grass really hits me. I’m also assuming you meant July 25, but wow that is low water - it’s barely up to his ankles! I paddled through there 30 days before, and never had to get out like that. Pretty much the whole river was at least knee deep, and I found it a relatively easy paddle compared to the river from Perent to Isabella - what an amazing difference in 30 days. Sorry the fishing wasn’t better, hope the kids had fun anyway, and for what it’s worth, your photos are just gorgeous.
08/10/2021 02:36PM  
That campsite in the bend on Island river I really like. You can see quite aways looking for moose to cross. Seen wolves there and friends camping there actually had wolves come right into camp they chased away. They turned and high tailed it out of there. Going downstream the next day they were out on a log on the river-about 4 of them.

Did you see any Moose? That use to be a photogphers delight there.
member (14)member
08/15/2021 05:43PM  
You are correct July 25th. Will update thanks
member (14)member
08/15/2021 05:43PM  
Yeah I was pretty blown away at the water levels, was a different level of challenge for sure. Wish it would have been deep enough to paddle through for sure. Didnt see any Moose, Wolves, Bears or really anything other than a few dozen chipmunks at the campsites.

Such is life still a great time in the BWCA regardless... My wife hates me for saying it but worst day there is still better than being at home. Haha not that being home is bad just BWCA is that amazing.

Thanks about the photos, one of my amateur passions. Gotta justify owning and carrying the gear.
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