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       Beware of thieves at EP#32 South Kawishiwi River!
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 08:23PM
Beware of thieves at EP#32 South Kawishiwi River!

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billconner 07/05/2017 07:11AM
quote WhiteWolf: "I was kidding to the effect that whatever choice is made is going to piss people off and let the thieves deal with it.. No intent was meant for a pro or anti mining person being a thief. "

I think a criminal sentence requiring one to solve the mining question would be considered both cruel and unusual punishment.
jhb8426 07/04/2017 10:58PM
quote DrBobDg: "Bummer...
Last summer was the first time I had something stolen at Sawbill Campground.... I put an old fishing pole rod holder on a picnic table to hold a site while we registered (according to instructions).dr bob"

At Sawbill I usually set up my tent and tarp before I go register. Not as easy to carry off in 5 minutes.
Pinetree 07/04/2017 08:24PM
My brother and I commented many times how little crime their is on vechiles parked along the BWCA(1 crime is too much).

In the early 70's there was a lot of car thieves from a bunch from out of state. I believed they were caught.

Moose lake up the Echo had a spree like 15 years ago.
Gabbro area maybe 6 years ago.

About 10 years ago we came out at the Moose lake landing along the Fernberg. The truck next to me had all four tires stolen and was sitting on its axel.

During the gas shortage like 15 years ago plus I had some gas siphoned out and that was common up there that spring year. Because of that, still today I gas up when I get done with my trip instead of leaving my vechile full in the parking lot.

Yes also I take my valuables with me and don't leave things visable to the eye laying inside my truck.

With all that said I feel much safer leaving my vechile in a BWCA parking lot than most places in Minnesota. Also local law enforcement and individuals living up there try to keep crime out of there. It hurts business to have low life people stealing things.

A side note-one reason why I drive a little older pickup and not a new one,I don't want to give thieves too much incentive. That pertains to anywhere I camp nationwide.

Pinetree 07/04/2017 08:22PM
quote WhiteWolf: "I was kidding to the effect that whatever choice is made is going to piss people off and let the thieves deal with it.. No intent was meant for a pro or anti mining person being a thief. "

That is what I thought you was doing. Too much was read into it.
jrlatt 07/04/2017 07:53PM
I think that is terrible. I always bring my wallet and most of the time my keys. They go in a plastic bag inside my pack. I have never really trusted leaving things of value in my car.
WhiteWolf 07/04/2017 07:40PM
I was kidding to the effect that whatever choice is made is going to piss people off and let the thieves deal with it.. No intent was meant for a pro or anti mining person being a thief.
The Great Outdoors 07/04/2017 07:37PM
Grandma L,
Quit hitting the Tequila before posting!! :)
Grandma L 07/04/2017 07:00PM
quote The Great Outdoors: "BUT what does mining have to do with someone stealing things from a car.
Do you suspect the thief of being a pro mining person, and if so, why??
Very strange post."

Oh, not much - actually nothing - BUT, it kept the conversation going.
The Great Outdoors 07/04/2017 05:59PM
BUT what does mining have to do with someone stealing things from a car.
Do you suspect the thief of being a pro mining person, and if so, why??
Very strange post.
Grandma L 07/04/2017 02:10PM
quote The Great Outdoors: "quote WhiteWolf: "One time in 50+ trips.. Round Lake entry 1995'. Got my wallet. Since then anything of value comes with. If those that due such things are caught- they should have to decided the fate of Ely when it comes to mining ... while in the slammer."
I'm puzzled by your statement?
Please explain why someone caught stealing should have to decide the fate of Ely and mining?????"

Ely and mining seems to be a difficult issue to resolve - maybe it would take them a long time to figure out and give them something to think about "in the slammer'.
The Great Outdoors 07/04/2017 01:56PM
quote WhiteWolf: "One time in 50+ trips.. Round Lake entry 1995'. Got my wallet. Since then anything of value comes with. If those that due such things are caught- they should have to decided the fate of Ely when it comes to mining ... while in the slammer."
I'm puzzled by your statement?
Please explain why someone caught stealing should have to decide the fate of Ely and mining?????
Grandma L 07/04/2017 10:54AM
Does this kind of vandalism and break-in happen equally on both the Ely and Gunflint areas? Maybe it has something to do with proximity to the population center?
Grandma L 07/04/2017 10:51AM
quote rayljr1: "I may just have to consider placing a few mouse and rat traps in some areas of the truck. You know, just in case any rats or mice get in."
Yeah, catch a robbers fingers in a trap, they get angry and do even more damage. There is no easy solution. More police coverage? They can't camp out there. How about more honest citizens?
rayljr1 07/03/2017 08:49PM
I may just have to consider placing a few mouse and rat traps in some areas of the truck. You know, just in case any rats or mice get in.
WhiteWolf 07/03/2017 06:06PM
One time in 50+ trips.. Round Lake entry 1995'. Got my wallet. Since then anything of value comes with. If those that due such things are caught- they should have to decided the fate of Ely when it comes to mining ... while in the slammer.
mjmkjun 07/03/2017 02:00PM
Thanks for the heads-up. I have one of those sliding back windows and have often wondered about its security. Now, anything of value will be placed in my blue barrel and hauled on the trip--including insurance & vehicle paperwork normally kept in the glove compartment. The added weight is minimal. Plus, blue barrel floats.
Sorry about your misfortune. What a mess. Driver's License with current address, credit card(s) and even personal clothing & items. I am happy that you didn't leave a set of 'back-up' ignition/house keys somewhere inside as your truck would be gone too. Some serious lowlife in this world.
ducks 07/01/2017 07:48AM
small lot...... only holds a few vehicles
billconner 07/01/2017 07:21AM
For reference, I've not been to EP 32. Is this a large lot like EP 14 (or really large like Moose or Lake One) or a small one?
billconner 07/01/2017 07:21AM
For reference, I've not been to EP 32. Is this a large lot like EP 14 (or really large like Moose or Lake One) or a small one?
Captn Tony 07/01/2017 05:36AM
Never had a problem, but nothing of value stays in the adventure van.
Pinetree 06/30/2017 07:46AM
The wallet and keys always go with me. Yes in a very safe place in my hip or fanny pack zipped away in a plastic bag. I would not keep it in my pocket on a trip.
QueticoMike 06/30/2017 07:22AM
If at an outfitter everything get locked in the safe there. If not using an outfitter, the wallet and keys go with me.
06/29/2017 11:27AM
I'd tell ya how/where to position the camera, but then that kinda defeats the purpose of placing it in the first place. We use them out west elk hunting to keep an eye on camp when we're out and about. So far so good..
Pinetree 06/26/2017 10:18PM
A few years back there was problems at entry 32 Little Gabro.

Over the years breakins are very rare tho.
Pinetree 06/26/2017 10:15PM
quote LuvMyBell: "quote : "Yep, been there done that...which is why for the past several years I've been hiding a trail cam facing the entrance to the lot...just in case I need a license plate number or vehicle description. My thought is if anything happens to my vehicle it's probably the guy that drove in and drove out a few minutes later...I mean who'd do that if you think about it??"

Trail cams are are great idea as long as it too isn't found by the thieves and take as well......

I'd think pointng the trail cam at your vehicle would be a better plan if catching thieves in the act is the purpose?


Someone on this board had a game camera and got a picture of someone breaking in their vechile in a past year.
quark2222 06/26/2017 08:14PM
Never had an issue at any entries from Kawishiwi to Sawbill, to Round Lake area entries hiding a wallet in the car, but I guess I will grudgingly take my wallet and car keys with me now in a zip lock bag.

When I go out of Sawbill, they have a huge safe, where they will put wallets and keys in a paper bag, staple it shut for "security" and lock it at night. You would need dynamite to open it. Good people at Sawbill, and I trust them to stick it in the safe. Been doing that for close to 30 years.

Sucks that you have to worry about these kinds of things these days. Never had to before.

LuvMyBell 06/26/2017 06:13PM
quote : "Yep, been there done that...which is why for the past several years I've been hiding a trail cam facing the entrance to the lot...just in case I need a license plate number or vehicle description. My thought is if anything happens to my vehicle it's probably the guy that drove in and drove out a few minutes later...I mean who'd do that if you think about it??"

Trail cams are are great idea as long as it too isn't found by the thieves and take as well......

I'd think pointng the trail cam at your vehicle would be a better plan if catching thieves in the act is the purpose?

06/26/2017 10:53AM
Yep, been there done that...which is why for the past several years I've been hiding a trail cam facing the entrance to the lot...just in case I need a license plate number or vehicle description. My thought is if anything happens to my vehicle it's probably the guy that drove in and drove out a few minutes later...I mean who'd do that if you think about it??
Savage Voyageur 06/26/2017 07:17AM
Sorry to hear about that, thieves are everywhere. I never leave anything left out or hidden of value. It's not that big a deal to put it in a ziplock bag with your keys in the bottom of a pack.
ducks 06/25/2017 07:39AM
quote PaddleAway: "Sorry to hear that. Those people suck.

Add me to the "not leaving anything valuable in the car" crowd. I don't bring my wallet. I stick a credit card, cash, & my license in a small baggie & bring it with me - then stick my keys in there, too, so it's all in one place. Just leave a chance of clothes & shoes in the car, & nothing I care about. "

That's what I do also. My tripping pants have a zippered pocket that I put them in so they are on me and secure.
DrBobDg 06/25/2017 05:27AM
Last summer was the first time I had something stolen at Sawbill Campground. I have been camping since 10 years 66. I put an old fishing pole rod holder on a picnic table to hold a site while we registered (according to instructions). When we went back to the site we had saved it was gone. Fortunately it was empty... Thinking about it during our trip we recalled this single scruffy guy walking his dog a lot.... good way to 'case the joint' while looking for an opportunity to increase his camping/fishing gear.
dr bob
luft 06/25/2017 01:24AM
I'm so sorry to read about your misfortune. Such a bummer. I worry about this a lot when I park long term at EPs.

I hide any clothing that I leave in the vehicle so that there is absolutely nothing showing if someone looks in the window. No coolers...nothing.

My wallet and keys are in a waterproof bag in my pack or with me in the day pack if I am out of my campsite.
Northwoodsman 06/24/2017 07:22PM
I have often wondered how often these incidents occur. I like to leave my vehicle at an outfitter and pay for the shuttle if needed. This year I'll leave my rental car at the EP but there won't be anything in it.
PaddleAway 06/24/2017 05:06PM
Sorry to hear that. Those people suck.

Add me to the "not leaving anything valuable in the car" crowd. I don't bring my wallet. I stick a credit card, cash, & my license in a small baggie & bring it with me - then stick my keys in there, too, so it's all in one place. Just leave a chance of clothes & shoes in the car, & nothing I care about.
homers 06/24/2017 04:24PM
seems like the police could use trail cams and nab these guys. After word gets out, maybe the frequency would decline.
bwcadan 06/24/2017 10:57AM
Plus one O. F. Never seen anything myself, but have gone to taking everything out and carrying wallet, etc with me. At camp, when we am not there, we hide anything like that away from the main camping area. We double plastic bag it for portage and around camp storage. Nothing gets wet. Better safe than sorry.
GeoFisher 06/24/2017 09:43AM
Yea, that sucks.

Nothing worse than a thief. When they are found, they should be dealt with ........severely.
OldFingers57 06/24/2017 08:32AM
I never leave anything of value in my vehicles when at a trailhead or EP. My phone, wallet, keys always go with. Plus I take out things of value I normally carrying in my cars when it is going to set someplace like a trailhead or EP. I have seen broken car glass at trailheads of trails I backpack on more and more frequently. People know the cars and trucks are easy pickings. In fact I make sure and empty out my console of even change and other items and leave the lid on it open, so they can see there is nothing of value in it.
fishnfreak 06/24/2017 04:41AM
My past few trips, I have just left my wallet with the outfitter. I take my drivers liscense out and keep it in the car. Those parking lots up there are an easy target for thieves. It's sad but more and more I consider using the outfitter shuttle and paying for my car to be safer in town.
brux 06/23/2017 09:24PM
That's really frustrating. Nothing like come back from a great trip to find your car broken into. I generally either lock it on the glove box or hide it really well in the car.
Jaywalker 06/23/2017 08:32PM
Very sorry this happened to you. Thanks for the heads up.
camjohn94 06/23/2017 06:49PM
The Lake county deputy said that they have been getting more and more reports of this happening. I usually leave my phone and wallet in the truck so I don't lose or get them wet but it looks like I'm going to have to start bringing them with me.
airmorse 06/23/2017 05:57PM
What did the police say.

Is this very common. Increasing or always has happened.
nicek 06/23/2017 05:52PM
That is absolute shame.
I have a habit to leave my belongings(wallet, phone etc..) in the vehicle. What is wrong with the society?!?!
camjohn94 06/23/2017 03:58PM
This past trip from 6/19-6/23 someone broke into my truck and stole 2 wallets a duffle bag of clothes and a pair of Nike shoes! They jimmied my back sliding window open and got in that way.