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       Bear spray in Quetico
Date/Time: 02/18/2025 08:17PM
Bear spray in Quetico

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Pinetree 07/16/2017 09:35AM
quote donnan: "quote donnan: "Does anyone know if it is legal to carry bear spray across the border? We are always asked if we have bear spray with us. "

Thanks everyone! We have a permit for Thursday and will spend almost 2 weeks in the Park. We have never had bear troubles in Quetico-only in the BWCA, but we might bring our bear spray this time."

Have a great time and look forward to hearing from you on your return.
donnan 07/16/2017 08:43AM
quote donnan: "Does anyone know if it is legal to carry bear spray across the border? We are always asked if we have bear spray with us. "

Thanks everyone! We have a permit for Thursday and will spend almost 2 weeks in the Park. We have never had bear troubles in Quetico-only in the BWCA, but we might bring our bear spray this time.
QueticoMike 07/16/2017 08:11AM
quote Pinetree: "Works good on ankle biting dogs also."

I don't run into many of those in Quetico :)
Pinetree 07/14/2017 06:57PM
Works good on ankle biting dogs also.
mastertangler 07/14/2017 06:01PM
I once had a customs official tell me I would have to ditch my bear spray before entering the country. As I went to turn around other Canadian Border officials asked what I was doing and I told them I was going back to ditch my Bear spray. They asked me who told me it was illegal and when I told them they just shook their heads and then waved me through. Totally legal..........

Bear spray isn't just effective on bears.........its also effective on moose. Ever had a moose show an inordinate amount of interest in you (like running towards you)? I have. How about a Mountain goat? They can be very intimidating at 10ft hanging around for an hour and I wish I would of had spray as that billy would of been close to getting a blast. Ok, it was fun for a while but now I just want you to go away..........and stop looking at me like that!

I'm not so keen being in the woods without it, especially solo and especially for 20+ days at a time. Who knows?
jberns 07/14/2017 01:34PM
I get asked every trip & tell then it is the large canister Cabela's sells; & is labelled as Bear Spray. I've never had to show it. Sounds like I better start keeping it where I can easily access it.
OldFingers57 07/14/2017 12:05PM
We have never even been asked about bear spray when going thru the checkpoint. Although we have been asked about guns.
timatkn 07/14/2017 07:48AM
quote zski: "quote Pinetree: "It is legal. But it has to be labeled as bear spray or for animals. Not Human." yes. one time border patrol specifically asked us if we had bear spray, then wanted to see it to ensure it was labeled as bear spray. luckily it wasn't buried too deep in the bag. "

Had the same experience. The group ahead of us had their spray confiscated our spray was fine.

Pinetree 07/13/2017 10:43AM
Remember like 30 years ago I was going from Glacier park to Watertown park in Canada. I had a 44 caliber pistol. Canadian customs asked if I had any firearms. I told them I had the pistol and at that time they would actually keep it for you at the Canadian station if you were coming back. Got a receipt from the friendly people and they kept it while I went to Watertown Provincial park for the day.

Coming back pulling into Canadian custom they had a van just everything all over the road from inside the van. There was a U.S. citizen who just said he had no firearms when asked.
Well they checked and found a pistol. Consequently they decided to check for drugs etc. and everything you had inside.

I declared and going both ways it was very friendly and took only a minute. Point is don't lie about what you have in possession. They don't like that.
zski 07/13/2017 10:30AM
quote Pinetree: "It is legal. But it has to be labeled as bear spray or for animals. Not Human." yes. one time border patrol specifically asked us if we had bear spray, then wanted to see it to ensure it was labeled as bear spray. luckily it wasn't buried too deep in the bag.
Pinetree 07/13/2017 08:53AM
It is legal. But it has to be labeled as bear spray or for animals. Not Human.
QueticoMike 07/13/2017 08:44AM
I have never taken bear spray before into Quetico, but I am pretty sure it is allowed.
mapsguy1955 07/13/2017 08:22AM
I heard it wasn't, but I'm not the expert. You planning on attracting some bears?
donnan 07/13/2017 07:23AM
Does anyone know if it is legal to carry bear spray across the border? We are always asked if we have bear spray with us.