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       Quetico North Outfitters
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 08:02PM
Quetico North Outfitters

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BnD 04/05/2018 07:27AM
AtwaterGA: "Never used them but have known them for many years. They are good people and friends of ours. We self outfit and enter at French Lake. "

Thanks. Great to get a first hand reference. Much appreciated.
AtwaterGA 04/05/2018 05:41AM
Never used them but have known them for many years. They are good people and friends of ours. We self outfit and enter at French Lake.
BnD 04/04/2018 07:27AM
Thanks OS. I appreciate your input and first hand knowledge, wisdom and advice! I really like the idea of our truck parked waiting for us like we have done at Beaverhouse before.

The issue is I'm trying to stay in the Russell/Sturgeon/Antoine/Fred area until the last possible day to fish then cannonball out and be on the road by 2PM due to work schedule. Might be tight but adding more travel time will probably require us to stage our way out. Still working the kinks out of our plan and the outfitters quirks are complicating it.
RiverFisher 04/04/2018 07:14AM
The last phone # I have for them is 1-807-929-3561. Might try it and see what they can do for you.
old_salt 04/04/2018 06:55AM
BnD: "Thanks OS but, that adds about 6 mi. And two (2) hours +/- on day 1 and day 9 that we were trying to avoid since we want to be on Sturgeon Lake day 1 w/o a big push and we want to exit from Sturgeon Narrows area on day 9. My PP calcs indicate we could make it out to Stanton Bay parking lot from Sturgeon Narrows in +/- 6 hours. We could make it from/to French Lake but, Stanton Bay is sure an easier entry for our trip plans. Trying to avoid really big entry/exit days we’ve had the last three years in/out of North McKenzie Bay on Kawnipi Lake via the Falls Chain to/from Hook Island and we don’t want an extra day travel in/out."

To clarify, I meant that you can enter at Stanton and exit at French. Getting to Sturgeon in a day should be no problem. We have exited from Russell (other side of narrows) and made it to French by mid afternoon. Since you posted seeking advice, that is my 2 cents, and you got a discount.
BnD 04/04/2018 03:26AM
Thanks OS but, that adds about 6 mi. And two (2) hours +/- on day 1 and day 9 that we were trying to avoid since we want to be on Sturgeon Lake day 1 w/o a big push and we want to exit from Sturgeon Narrows area on day 9. My PP calcs indicate we could make it out to Stanton Bay parking lot from Sturgeon Narrows in +/- 6 hours. We could make it from/to French Lake but, Stanton Bay is sure an easier entry for our trip plans. Trying to avoid really big entry/exit days we’ve had the last three years in/out of North McKenzie Bay on Kawnipi Lake via the Falls Chain to/from Hook Island and we don’t want an extra day travel in/out.
old_salt 04/03/2018 09:26PM
Leave your vehicle at French Lake. Exit there. That way you don’t have to time it to meet someone. Saves money. The wind will likely be at your back. It’s a nice way to go, isle of pine, French river.
BnD 04/03/2018 07:52PM
I contacted Doug and he could shuttle us in to Stanton Bay on June 9 but he has too many other shuttles on June 17 to shuttle us. We were gonna go with Camp Quetico but, they want to serve us breakfast and not leave their place until 7:30-8:00. That means we won’t be on the water until 9ish crossing Pickerel Lake. IMO not ideal.

Doug referred us to Quetico North, however, depending on someone to pick us up on a shuttle that I basically can’t find online makes me a little nervous. That said, I did contact Canoe Canada and they assured me Quetico North has been in business for 30 years. I’m not sure how they get outfitting business since there’s no trace of them online other than a Facebook page. I would feel much better if someone used them in the last couple years and could verify their service and dependability.

Canoe Canada won’t shuttle us since we’re self outfitted.

Who would have thought it we be so difficult to get someone to haul our stuff a relatively short distance in/out on our schedule for $200.

Thanks for any and all information.
old_salt 04/03/2018 03:37PM
I used them a lot back in the 90’s and they did great for me. Had dinner once last summer in their restaurant. I assume they’re still in business. Could be a website issue. I would not hesitate to use them. Another great option is Doug Chapman, and Quetico School College for dining and lodging.
jlong33 04/02/2018 06:09PM
Never used them, but I can tell you that Canoe Canada is awesome.. Good people
timatkn 04/02/2018 12:22PM
Never used them, tried to look them up and could not find a web page but found them on facebook. They don't make it easy to get info on them.

BnD 04/02/2018 08:57AM
Anyone use them? Opinions? Thanks for your input.