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 Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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       Trip Report - Lake One: First trip 4 and 7 year old grand daughters
Date/Time: 10/05/2024 08:18AM
Trip Report - Lake One: First trip 4 and 7 year old grand daughters

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pswith5 07/25/2018 09:10AM
Thanks for sharing, papa. Hope to take at least one of mine soon. Oldest is all ready addicted to her phone at 10 yrs old. :( so I must work up the courage to get her past that. Hope yours enjoyed enough to want to go back. Pete
Thwarted 07/24/2018 04:55AM
Nice Papa. I noted from your profile that you are an experienced tripper so this was a huge sacrifice for the sake of your g-kids and son. Well done sir.
boonie 07/20/2018 07:08PM
Thanks for the report, enjoyed reading it.
bwcadan 07/19/2018 04:49PM
New Trip Report posted by bwcadan

Trip Name: Lake One: First trip 4 and 7 year old grand daughters.

Entry Point: 30

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