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 Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
    Trip Planning Forum
       Which map(s) for trip from Ep 50 - cross bay lake to cherokee via rib, long river etc..
Date/Time: 02/08/2025 12:30PM
Which map(s) for trip from Ep 50 - cross bay lake to cherokee via rib, long river etc..

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mocha1 07/19/2019 01:30PM
an F12 and F13 should cover you from poplar to cross bay and down to Cherokee. I think the 4A doesn't go south enough to include Cherokee.
djwillco 07/19/2019 12:04PM
Ya, funny how most of the maps cut off right along this route (I'm sure there's a good reason for that which I'm unaware of). Just did that route a couple of weeks ago and also dicovered (as already mentioned) that the Fisher F-12 is the only map that has all the area on it. We used the Fisher and brought 2 McKenzie maps for backup.
burrow1 07/19/2019 06:58AM
McKenzie map 4A covers that area
JATFOMike 07/18/2019 07:43PM
Ok, the Fisher F-12 covers that entire area and takes in about half of Brule to the East, covers a couple portages South of Cherokee, goes North all the way to gun flint lake and covers pretty far west to a nclude the entire frost river and beyond......I can’t find my McKenzie right now, but it wasn’t a standard was an might be map 7a? The outfitters in the area all carry it or do what I did and call McKenzie maps and tell them what you want and they will mail it to you.....postage is less if you get a folded map versus a rolled map.....

JATFOMike 07/18/2019 06:22PM
There is a mckenzie map specific for that route.....when I get home, I’ll get the number for you....if no one else has chimed in with it by then....

pswith5 07/18/2019 05:17PM
So it seems like my Fisher and Voyageur maps keep me right on the edge of where I want to be so I have to switch to several maps. Is there a map or even two that have most of my route on them?