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 Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
    Trip Planning Forum
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 08:23PM

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Previous Messages:
Author Message Text
Harv 01/29/2020 10:53AM
aruthenb: "pitster: "All 1,315 day use motor permits for Basswood gone in 24 minutes."

Check Craigslist or Ebay ;)"

HAHAHA If only that would work!
aruthenb 01/29/2020 10:51AM
pitster: "All 1,315 day use motor permits for Basswood gone in 24 minutes."

Check Craigslist or Ebay ;)

I got my preferred date and EP with no issues this morning, seamless.
Harv 01/29/2020 10:44AM
pitster: "All 1,315 day use motor permits for Basswood gone in 24 minutes."

That is absolutely insane! I was able to get the day use motor permits I wanted; waiting at 8:55 for the site to open at 9; like everyone else it went "live" at 9:05.

Went very smooth for me!
SurlyDude 01/29/2020 10:35AM
No issues here either (I wouldn't classify 9:05 or whatever it was as an issue). I got our groups Mudro permit for Sat of Memorial Day weekend in time. By the time I finished checking out I went back to recheck and they were all gone including the restricted. Whew!
nooneuno 01/29/2020 10:24AM
pitster: "All 1,315 day use motor permits for Basswood gone in 24 minutes."

Tried at 9 couldn't get on so came back at 9:15 every day use and overnight motor was gone for Moose
pitster 01/29/2020 09:59AM
All 1,315 day use motor permits for Basswood gone in 24 minutes.
Trapper7 01/29/2020 09:48AM
I got 9 trips booked! No issues except for the late opening!
VaderStrom 01/29/2020 09:47AM
Same 9:05 issue. I got 2 of my 3 for the dates I wanted and shifted a day earlier for the last one. Glad I'm getting in earlier now though, as the 3 days after are all full now!
IndyCanoe 01/29/2020 09:43AM
I didn't try until about 9:05 but was able to log in and book both permits with no issues.
Blatz 01/29/2020 09:37AM
Little late but got my EP 16 for May and EP 38 for August. No problems at all
schweady 01/29/2020 09:24AM
scotttimm: "MikeinMpls: "I got on a 9:05. Government computer just can't get the time right.

I was looking for EP 50 (Cross Bay Lake) for May 17. The system kept defaulting me to May 16. I had to double and triple check that the system didn't reset me as I moved through each step. In the end, I got everything correct and my permit was issued.


TRICK! I found that if you, instead of filling in the calendar field, when it goes to the wrong day, scroll down to the individual date where it shows numbers of permits per day. Worked for me."

Yeah, just a couple of the many oddities to crawl through...
*Did not open until 9:05 am. No biggie, but made you think it was "deja vu all over again..."
*Picking a date on the small pop-up calendar consistently came back with a display of the date BEFORE. As stated, just scroll down to the bigger calendar with number of permits remaining. There, you can jump ahead or back by 10-day periods. (Why not two weeks? Why not all month? Why not immediately jump to May 1?)
*EPs are still not numbered or in number order or in alphabetical order. "Sites" listed by "Area" hardly is the most efficient way to make specific EPs easily found.
*Choosing your Permit Issue Station was a bit unclear until you realized that there was a blank cell in front of each name that would show a radio button to click and fill only after hovering the mouse over there...
*Allows you to go with a Group Size of one, but still charges for two.
*From the Shopping Cart screen on, none of the reservation summary screens contain confirmation of the Permit Issue Station you chose. Probably only a concern for us OCDers.
scotttimm 01/29/2020 09:22AM
MikeinMpls: "I got on a 9:05. Government computer just can't get the time right.

I was looking for EP 50 (Cross Bay Lake) for May 17. The system kept defaulting me to May 16. I had to double and triple check that the system didn't reset me as I moved through each step. In the end, I got everything correct and my permit was issued.


TRICK! I found that if you, instead of filling in the calendar field, when it goes to the wrong day, scroll down to the individual date where it shows numbers of permits per day. Worked for me.
thegildedgopher 01/29/2020 09:20AM
Was 5 minutes late for me as well. Had that sinking feeling like this was gonna be act 2 of last year, but once I got in all was smooth.
lindylair 01/29/2020 09:17AM
Got mine for mid May but had to click on the day after I wanted to enter...and then it showed the day I wanted to enter. Weird but it worked.
MikeinMpls 01/29/2020 09:16AM
I got on a 9:05. Government computer just can't get the time right.

I was looking for EP 50 (Cross Bay Lake) for May 17. The system kept defaulting me to May 16. I had to double and triple check that the system didn't reset me as I moved through each step. In the end, I got everything correct and my permit was issued.

scotttimm 01/29/2020 09:15AM
Got my Ep16, but can't seem to get into June 10th...keeps showing up as the 9th...yay, more bugs!!
ckelley 01/29/2020 09:09AM
It seemed to open a little late, but once it did i was able to get in and get my permit booked with no problem.
Ungree 01/29/2020 09:07AM
Trapper7 01/29/2020 09:04AM
Anyone else having issues booking?