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 Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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       Knife/Ottertrack/Sag/Alpine/Knife loop
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 08:10PM
Knife/Ottertrack/Sag/Alpine/Knife loop

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Cricket67 07/28/2020 03:38PM
I've done these lakes from the east. Got a tow up to American point then went along the border to Ottertrack, went through some smaller lakes to the South Arm of Knife, down to Ogish, up through Jasper and Alpine into Seagull, that paddle to the outfitter (we used Voyageurs, but you could do the same through Seagull Outfitters). Really enjoyed this route. I like ending the trip going West to East as more often then not you have the wind at your back.
cyclones30 07/27/2020 07:52PM
If you're doing Ottertrack on your way out, on the way back, don't overlook the Cherry/Amoeber area. You can still get to either arm of Knife easily from Amoeber. Very cool lakes, smaller if the wind is up, and nice camp sites.
TuscaroraBorealis 07/27/2020 05:59PM
I haven't done that exact route but these trip reports covers most of the area you hope to cover.

Hanging out north of the South Arm

Some KEKEKABIC and JASPER with a CHERRY on top

The Ribbon rock
Gaidin53 07/27/2020 03:36PM
Ottertrack was amazing! Cliffs are so high on both sides as you go though. We’re not doing Ottertrack this year but my son and I both want to paddle this lake again. Most of the campsites are western end On Ottertrack. The one site to the East is supposed to be nice but if it’s full you’d have to paddle on through Monument Portage.

We went from Robbins Island Isle of Pines, Thunder Point, lunch next to portage going from Knife into Ottertrack. Had a bit of a storm come through so lunch was longer at the campsite right next to the portage. Long day! I was really tired by the time we found a campsite.

I’ll include a picture from route that day.

Beemer01 07/27/2020 03:19PM
Thanks for calibrating the miles per day, I'll be taking it easy allowing a week. I'm going to grab a tow from Moose up to that lift over portage to Birch and planning on making camp that day on the Upper Arm of Knife....but I've never gone further and Ottertrack beckons. I've checked the campsite ratings on the map section and starred the best rated one!
Gaidin53 07/27/2020 03:04PM
Where is your entry point? Last year we did something close but not back up to Knife at the end.

I did Moose to Knife Day 1.

Knife through Ottertrack to American point campsite on Saganaga day 2.

American point Sag, Red Rock, Alpine, Jasper, to Ogishgemuncie Day 3,

Ogishgemuncie, Eddy Falls, Kekakabic ponds to Kekekabic Day 4. This is where you’d route up into the South Arm of Knife and back out. Routing up to Knife to finish would make for a lot less portaging. Still a challenging trip.

Day 5 we had a long day all the way from Kekakabic through Ensign to Boot lake day 5

Day 6 was a Snowbank exit into Northern Tier.

I did Navionics tracks on the route. We single portaged though and if you are solo I doubt you can single portage. We’re doing portions of it this year when we enter a Next Sunday so I’ve done a lot more research this time.

Beemer01 07/27/2020 02:48PM
Hi - This route has been on my bucket list, but surprisingly I couldn't locate any trip reports on this loop. (And I'm clearly not getting any younger). Can someone refer me to a trip report - or better yet share your tips on this loop? I'm allowing seven days for this and looks like I'll be solo, heading in mid-September.

Thanks in advance -
