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    Trip Planning Forum
       Is it too early to be planning 2021?
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 07:58PM
Is it too early to be planning 2021?

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Gaidin53 11/23/2020 05:35PM
I started planning for next year within a week of getting back. I’ve even got reminders to solidify the plan in the next month or so with my outfitter so I’m set when permits become available. One trip is mostly planned right now but I’d also like to slip another shorter trip in next year. Just have to figure out where that trip fits in and with who.

We spent the drive back as a family talking about improvements, changes, upgrades, needs. I then sat down the next day and typed it all out everything we’d talked about.

mmarksnp 11/19/2020 07:31PM
Just solidified my plans for this summer. Cross, Ham, Rib, Long Island, Muskeg, Continental Divide Portage, Kiskadinna, Omega, Winchell, Gaskin, Horseshoe, Vista, Caribou, Poplar and out at those great people at Rockwood. Living in NC I can only do 1 trip a year.
mmarksnp 11/19/2020 07:28PM
You are going to love the Frost and Louse rivers back to back. After 15 portages on the Frost and probably 25 beaver dams, you get the 300 rod uphill portage to end your day. And what a great day!!! And then the Louse to Marlberg.
rtallent 11/18/2020 04:31PM
Ben, there are a number of trails. My only recent hikes have been on the Sioux Hustler. Be glad to help with info on that one. I know you hang, and that is pretty friendly for that (as Sug's videos atest). I too will probably try and get back to the bdub, if Canada is not an option in 2021... I did a hike (late June) and a paddle (August) there, last summer.
bhouse46 11/18/2020 11:00AM
Another "it's never too early" voice. And planning goes beyond where and when. A lot of time and energy goes into reviewing gear and how some change might improve trips.
I added hiking to my activity list a few years ago so a hiking trip in the BWCA is a new planning option.
CoffeeInTheWoods 11/17/2020 03:00PM
Lots to explore NW of Fourtown. Boot is a nice lake, often overlooked. Fairy is a gem.
JWilder 11/17/2020 10:21AM
CoffeeInTheWoods: "I'm already staring at maps!

1. Memorial Day with work buddies - Iron Lake or Crooked Lake for some base camp fishing.

2. Early June - 2 week trip with my graduating son. This one will be epic. Cross Bay - Long Island - Frost R. - Louse R. - Malberg - Adams - Boulder - Little Sag - Gabe - Ogish - SAK - Seagull

3. July with some newbie cousins - Burnt/Smoke? Crab/Cummings?

4. August with daughters - Parent Lake

5. Sept Solo - Kawishiwi Triangle - Bald Eagle area, would love to try some grouse hunting

We'll see if I can talk the wife into an early May or October trip as well."

Wow! 5 trips, that is outstanding!

I echo what has already been said. NEVER TOO EARLY. I am a "planner" and "learner" by nature. Absolutely love it.

Here is what I am planning for my spring 2021 trip:
Entry Point: #23, Mudro
Date: either mid May or early June
Group number: 1
Length: 5 days
Goals: Explore and relax northwest of Fourtown.

I will build off of this.

Phil_M 11/17/2020 10:04AM
I have been already planning since my last trip in august. Already have the week picked out, need to come up a path. I literally just got on to look at maps and plan.

Love BWCA!
straighthairedcurly 11/11/2020 10:07PM
I agree with never too early. I haven't had time yet due to my work schedule, but with some quiet holiday breaks coming up, I am looking forward to spreading out the maps and scouring the guide books and trip reports.

For your #2 trip, you could drop south out of Seagull into Paulson and then make your way to Brant Lake. That allows you to exit at Round which is walking distance from your start point. The Seagull to Paulson portage is not for the faint of heart, but it has incredible views! And you look like you are up for a challenge based on the rest of your route. June is probably too early for the insanely abundant blueberries on that portage, but still a worthwhile journey.

I am planning to take off the whole summer (I am a teacher but usually teach summer camp) and just do as many trips as I can.
mschi772 11/11/2020 04:01PM
I usually start planning trips around now. I have tons of flexibility myself, but getting anyone to join me feels sisyphean at times, so I need all the time/notice I can to provide friends with ample opportunity to decide and plan their schedule. I wish I had more friends as passionate about wilderness tripping as I.
papalambeau 11/11/2020 01:33PM
Anticipation and planning are half the fun of a trip. I am already planning our 2021 trip for early June. We missed our first trip in almost 30 years in 2020 because of a hip that needed to be replaced. Now with a new hip and two more grandsons who are ready to become Voyageurs the 2021 trip will be extra special.
Remember - "Go when you can!"
CoffeeInTheWoods 11/11/2020 08:29AM
And a couple of those trips are weekend/holiday trips (Memorial Day, Labor Day, etc.).
CoffeeInTheWoods 11/10/2020 09:19PM
Lots of flexibility...

salukiguy: "I cant help but ask - Do you have a job or is your job such that you have a lot of flexibility in your work schedule? That's a lot of time off."
salukiguy 11/10/2020 09:01PM
I cant help but ask - Do you have a job or is your job such that you have a lot of flexibility in your work schedule? That's a lot of time off.
Gman42 11/10/2020 01:06PM
It's not too early when you consider that permits for Voyageurs are available this Sunday, and permits for the BWCA are available in about 10 weeks. If possible, our group tries to be ready to get permits the day they become available.
A1t2o 11/10/2020 12:23PM
My spring 2020 trip was canceled so I have really been looking forward to 2021. I did convince my dad and brother to rent a cabin with me when the bwca was closed, but I never stayed overnight and not with the typical group. I have several routes to consider for next year depending on how much time our spouses are willing to give us.
BearBurrito 11/10/2020 09:01AM
It's never to early to plan a trip
airmorse 11/10/2020 08:24AM
I'm not planning anything for 2021. That way I won't be disappointed when it doesn't happen.
boonie 11/10/2020 08:21AM
johndku: "Planning keeps me sane."

Me too, always planning. Planning the Canada trip that did not happen last year and may not happen this year, plus another BW trip in case Canada doesn't happen again.
johndku 11/10/2020 06:52AM
Planning keeps me sane.
CoffeeInTheWoods 11/09/2020 06:41PM
I like to get things on the calendar as soon as possible since I travel (pre-covid) for work a lot. Then once I get the EP booked, I’m constantly researching and adjusting plans. I live that part as well.
lindylair 11/09/2020 06:11PM
Coffee, planning trips is a big part of the fun and what sustains many of us through the long hard winter. I will say you are a little ahead of the game because there is not even snow on the ground yet but what the heck, just gives you more time and more enjoyment.

I have taken one trip a year for many years, lucky enough to take 2 this year and planning for 2 or more next year. You are very lucky with 5 plus trips in the planning stage, I wouldn't know which one to plan for:)

We don't have any destinations in mind yet, just a general sense of what we want out of the trip. The planning gets real serious as we get deeper into the winter and the posts here will pick up with questions and plans for the paddling season.

There are so many options sometimes I second guess myself in the planning process just in case I missed out on something better. You got some great trips planned, do the research but build in some flexibility in case thing don't follow "the plan"
TrailZen 11/09/2020 05:59PM
Not too early at all--we've been looking at maps since having to cancel our 2020 Quetico trip.

martian 11/09/2020 05:21PM
Never to early. I'm already planning on my drive home typically. Thinking of new entry points and how to do things better. Five trips, impressive. Enjoy!!
CoffeeInTheWoods 11/09/2020 04:03PM
I'm already staring at maps!

1. Memorial Day with work buddies - Iron Lake or Crooked Lake for some base camp fishing.

2. Early June - 2 week trip with my graduating son. This one will be epic. Cross Bay - Long Island - Frost R. - Louse R. - Malberg - Adams - Boulder - Little Sag - Gabe - Ogish - SAK - Seagull

3. July with some newbie cousins - Burnt/Smoke? Crab/Cummings?

4. August with daughters - Parent Lake

5. Sept Solo - Kawishiwi Triangle - Bald Eagle area, would love to try some grouse hunting

We'll see if I can talk the wife into an early May or October trip as well.