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       Quetico Trips?
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 08:06PM
Quetico Trips?

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Wally13 03/09/2021 08:45PM
Springer2: "
Not necessarily waiting patiently... Argo Lake "


Your pic of Argo Lake is just fantastic. I hope you don’t mind if I use it as my new screen saver pic on my PC.

Thanks so much for posting it.

Haven’t been to Argo in 12 years but your pic has motivated me to make a Quetico trip to Argo as soon as the Border opens. Awesome photo.
KawnipiKid 03/04/2021 04:19PM
Eagerly awaiting a return to Quetico in '21. Will enjoy points south this year and make the best of it exploring new lakes in the BW.
deerfoot 03/04/2021 12:14PM
Springer2: "
Not necessarily waiting patiently... Argo Lake "

Gorgeous. Make sure to enter it in the photo contest.
jillpine 03/03/2021 07:49PM
boonie: "Jaywalker: "Not the Q, but I was planning to go to WCPP last year and got shut down due to COVID. Hopefully this year, but I am not betting on it. "

Double same.
Remember that Canadian contest that you’d be eligible to win a canoe if you visited Q, WCPP and Wabakimi all in a year or so?
I will do it, even if I’m 85, damnit. My father is 87 and has just had one his best seasons ever of skiing, so he claims. It’s in my dragon blood.
tumblehome 03/03/2021 06:49PM
Absolutely Gorgeous.
That really captures everything about Quetico. Thank you!
boonie 03/03/2021 03:40PM
Springer2: "
Not necessarily waiting patiently... Argo Lake "

Lovely picture with the light.
GraniteCliffs 03/03/2021 12:35PM
That picture simply captures everything I love about Quetico. Peaceful, calm and serene. One of my all time favorite pictures, especially since I know where it is.
Thanks for posting.
cburton103 03/03/2021 11:23AM
Springer2: "
Not necessarily waiting patiently...Argo Lake "

Beautiful shot, Springer2. I'm excited to get back up there paddling this June, but I'm not as excited as I would be if I were passing through the southwestern corner of the Q as I previously planned. We'll see. I feel fortunate to still have a lot of years left to paddle the Q and see all the corners I care to get to.
Springer2 03/03/2021 09:26AM

Not necessarily waiting patiently... Argo Lake
GraniteCliffs 03/02/2021 10:21PM
I missed the Banks post but I bet I know the campsite. And perhaps a reference to something left behind.
tumblehome 03/02/2021 07:02AM
GraniteCliffs: "My hourglass is running awfully low on sand. Not having the Q again seems like it makes the sand drain away ever more quickly.

I tell myself "just once more" to Chatterton Falls. Oh, and just once more to the island site on Argo. But then there is Bentpine... and so many others.

Just once more. Let the sand slow down. "

Once more to Beaverhouse and beyond. I want to see Sturgeon again. Have to get back to Ted, especially after what Banksiana posted this week. You know the campsite...
GraniteCliffs 03/01/2021 10:21PM
My hourglass is running awfully low on sand. Not having the Q again seems like it makes the sand drain away ever more quickly.

I tell myself "just once more" to Chatterton Falls. Oh, and just once more to the island site on Argo. But then there is Bentpine... and so many others.

Just once more. Let the sand slow down.
QueticoMike 02/26/2021 06:04AM
I would be shocked to see the borders open up this year. I'm hoping for better things in 2022. I have 14 days planned for the BW this Spring. If the border would suddenly open up in June, would there be RABC? Then you either have to wait on an RABC or get a northern entry point before you could get in. I was told there wouldn't be any RABC this year, maybe that would change with a border opening? If the border were to open up this Summer then I would plan at least one trip to Quetico at the end of August or early Sept. time frame.
jdddl8 02/21/2021 08:49PM
Thanks to all of you for your kind words. It is important to have a significant goal during tough rehab and mine is Q in late August!
tumblehome 02/21/2021 08:15PM
cowdoc: "The 4 Hoaresmen would like to ride again"

Ahhh yes, HOAREsmen.
cowdoc 02/21/2021 07:37PM
The 4 Hoaresmen would like to ride again
Argo 02/21/2021 07:17PM
Jackfish: "Argo, that route is one of two I have targeted for a solo trip if/when Quetico ever becomes a paddling option again. "

Don't say ever, Jackfish. It'll happen again for sure.
And I remember we spoke about that last year. I still have a waypoint file with your name on it for this route.
MichiganMan 02/21/2021 11:06AM
Argo: "John, That sucks times ten. I hope you are well enough to do something in Quetico this summer.

I have recruited some old Quetico friends who are anxious to return there but not so anxious to exert themselves too much. So we're gonna spend 7-8 days likely on Cirrus, Soho, Kasakakwog, and Quetico. Maybe consider something like that?"

That's a great area of the park. Sooo many good memories from those lakes. I'm jealous! If the dang border opens, you may find me in those parts too!
MichiganMan 02/21/2021 11:05AM
jdddl8: "Being a Canadian I should be looking forward to my 2021 trip. Instead I am not sure whether I can go. I was downhill skiing in the mountains when I crashed down through trees and hurt myself badly. I got a compound fracture of my jaw, broke small bone in my right leg, torn ligaments in both knees, bruised ribs, stiff neck and lower back problems. I have been rehabbing a month and I am hopeful that I will recover by late August. But my spring trip to the Churchill River is toast as is the rest of my ski season. Sigh!

Sorry to hear about your accident. Hope your recovery is swift!
Jackfish 02/21/2021 10:58AM
Argo, that route is one of two I have targeted for a solo trip if/when Quetico ever becomes a paddling option again.
Argo 02/21/2021 10:39AM
John, That sucks times ten. I hope you are well enough to do something in Quetico this summer.

I have recruited some old Quetico friends who are anxious to return there but not so anxious to exert themselves too much. So we're gonna spend 7-8 days likely on Cirrus, Soho, Kasakakwog, and Quetico. Maybe consider something like that?
TomT 02/21/2021 09:14AM
Wow John that bad news. Wishing you a full recovery. I'm thinking there's a September trip in your future. If nothing else just play on big water like Cirrus and Jean and stay off the portages for the most part.
boonie 02/21/2021 07:43AM
Sorry to hear about your bad accident, John, and the cancelled Churchill River trip. Hope you recover well.
Jackfish 02/20/2021 09:40PM
Oh my goodness, John! That's horrible. And as tough as it's been on you, you're undoubtedly counting your blessings for being alive to be able to think about future Quetico trips. Wow... get well soon!
jdddl8 02/20/2021 09:31PM
Being a Canadian I should be looking forward to my 2021 trip. Instead I am not sure whether I can go. I was downhill skiing in the mountains when I crashed down through trees and hurt myself badly. I got a compound fracture of my jaw, broke small bone in my right leg, torn ligaments in both knees, bruised ribs, stiff neck and lower back problems. I have been rehabbing a month and I am hopeful that I will recover by late August. But my spring trip to the Churchill River is toast as is the rest of my ski season. Sigh!
GraniteCliffs 02/20/2021 01:51PM
With God as my witness I have now begun to dream about multiple Quetico trips this year. I find myself visualizing various routes through the Q in those many dreams. I am too old to be having these dreams........
I know it won't likely happen so I have three BW permits for different group trips and about to pull the fourth for my solo. Let that border open up at any point this summer and off I will go to the Q.
LarryS48 02/20/2021 11:20AM
I still have my plans for my spring of 2020 trip to the west central part of Quetico ready.

We’ll see when I might be able to use them. In addition, I stand ready to make additional plans. Maybe it’s time to think about a first trip to WCPP.
CardinalNation 02/20/2021 09:38AM
Have my Quetico permits for June 2021. Hoping that the border somehow opens by then. Also have BWCA permits as a backup.

Did a BWCA trip in 2020, but it just wasn't the same as a trip to the Quetico.
wyopaddler 02/19/2021 11:18PM
Wally13: "Waiting "

Desperately waiting for my passport (Delayed at passport services) and the ability to cross the northern border.
Wally13 02/19/2021 11:00PM
boonie 02/19/2021 07:07PM
Jaywalker: "Not the Q, but I was planning to go to WCPP last year and got shut down due to COVID. Hopefully this year, but I am not betting on it. "
tumblehome 02/19/2021 05:34PM
Put me on the list.
Mo63021 02/19/2021 03:47PM
Ausable: "I'm waiting (im)patiently to resume Quetico trips."

Plus 1
Jaywalker 02/19/2021 03:29PM
Not the Q, but I was planning to go to WCPP last year and got shut down due to COVID. Hopefully this year, but I am not betting on it. ,
cburton103 02/19/2021 01:56PM
Troutbum77: "I have a permit to enter at Beaverhouse in mid-July. I am hopeful, but not optimistic, that a vaccine certificate, negative test and health screening by a customs agent will get me across without the need for a 14-day quarantine. If the border remains closed, I will substitute paddling Quetico for backpacking Montana or Wyoming. "

That's a pretty good backup! I plan to do a bit of backpacking both of those places in July and August. Beautiful country, especially the greater yellowstone ecosystem.
Troutbum77 02/19/2021 01:17PM
I have a permit to enter at Beaverhouse in mid-July. I am hopeful, but not optimistic, that a vaccine certificate, negative test and health screening by a customs agent will get me across without the need for a 14-day quarantine. If the border remains closed, I will substitute paddling Quetico for backpacking Montana or Wyoming.
TrailZen 02/19/2021 01:16PM
unshavenman: "As God is my witness, I shall be paddling on Argo the last week of July."

Argo is one of the most beautiful lakes in the Q. I hope we're also enjoying Qurtico in September, and some optimistic folks are suggesting 'herd immunity' by April, but I'm not getting my hopes up yet...

bobbernumber3 02/19/2021 01:15PM
unshavenman: "As God is my witness, I shall be paddling on Argo the last week of July."

rrrright.... what year?

unshavenman 02/19/2021 12:36PM
As God is my witness, I shall be paddling on Argo the last week of July.
EddyTurn 02/19/2021 10:51AM
Never been to Quetico before (neither to BW), had my first trip booked for 2020, and had to cancel it of course. For me it's 2 full days of driving each way, so to make it worthwhile I need at least 18-20 days of vacation time. I'm quite sure this summer it won't happen - don't think the border opens by then.
TomT 02/19/2021 10:24AM
Planning a BW trip but will switch to Quetico in a heartbeat.

I still think an "Only RABC" entry with limitations would be a win win.
timatkn 02/19/2021 07:19AM
Planning a BWCAW trip, but might possibly switch to the Q.

When you have to pay for a family of 4...depends on the finances this year. The Q has priced kids and families out over the years. Last year the money I saved going tot eh BWCAW instead went towards a black hills trip. So I am weighing options, I can do 2 vacations with the family or one to the Q with the family.

I might just do a shorter family Q trip...options...options

If it was just me and some buddies and I only had to pay for myself...that’s easy, the Q 100%!

HighnDry 02/19/2021 07:10AM
Yes. And I can tell you all about the many trips that I have planned for this year over several cups of coffee :)
cburton103 02/18/2021 10:28PM
admin: "Just curious how many US residents are waiting patiently for the border to open to continue tripping to the Quetico? Or how many people haven't been to the Quetico before, but are now thinking they want to go to the Quetico to get more solitude?"

Consider me another impatient waiter. I have a bwca permit for the same day as my Q permit as a backup. This time for a less popular entry through the heart of the bwca (Adams/Boulder) so I don’t have the same experience as last year on the south side of The North Arm of Knife Lake looking longingly into Quetico. It really put a damper on the experience for us because the fishing was way slower than my last bwca trip to Knife and much much slower than my typical Q trip. Add to that the extra people and the tougher weather we had, and it just didn’t really do what we were looking for. Here’s to 2021 canoe season, though!
sns 02/18/2021 10:06PM
No. Patient is not the right word, at all.
gymcoachdon 02/18/2021 09:54PM
I have made no plans for this season, specifically in hope of the border opening to get back to Quetico or WCPP. Hoping...
MichiganMan 02/18/2021 09:30PM
I'm waiting very impatiently for the border to open so I can get back to Quetico. Man I miss that place. If it doesn't open, I will likely be back in the BWCA sometime later in the summer. Man I want that border open soon!
PineKnot 02/18/2021 06:17PM
Planning multiple 2021 trips to BWCA, but will switch to Quetico immediately if and when the border opens....
Ausable 02/18/2021 05:59PM
I'm waiting (im)patiently to resume Quetico trips.
AmarilloJim 02/18/2021 02:40PM
waiting patiently
TrailZen 02/18/2021 02:36PM
As I've posted elsewhere, our 2020 Quetico route plans have become our 2021 Quetico route plans, and we fear they may become our 2022 Quetico route plans. Meanwhile, I don't have the patience to endure some of the crowds reported in 2020 BWCA experiences. I get my first COVID vax next week, and keep hoping that proof of vaccination may become a border-crossing aid.

Jackfish 02/18/2021 01:03PM
Jackfish raises his hand.
BWCA 02/18/2021 12:50PM
Just curious how many US residents are waiting patiently for the border to open to continue tripping to the Quetico? Or how many people haven't been to the Quetico before, but are now thinking they want to go to the Quetico to get more solitude?