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       Advice on a route with limited permit availability
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 08:05PM
Advice on a route with limited permit availability

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boonie 06/15/2021 10:56AM
Erinelizabeth882: "Thanks for the advice folks. We ended with Kawishiwi. I think we’ll either head to Malberg or do part of the lady chain. We did the lady chain to Phoebe lake from Sawbill last year, so we would maybe do an out and back to Hazel or Knight. Any thoughts or advice on the area within the Pagami creek fire? Looks like Square and Kawasashong both are in that area. "

I have made several trips through Kawishiwi, most recently last fall. It's a nice paddle on the river. I usually go to Polly the first day, which is about 8-9 miles (double portage) and takes 4 hours or so. I did stay on Kawasachong last year on my way out. The two campsites on the east were not burned and I stayed at the SE one since someone was at the NE site (may be slightly better). It was OK, although exposed to NW wind, but that may be advantageous at end of Aug. vs. Sept.

Regarding the travel to Polly, I was able to skip the two portages on the river and paddle over those two beaver dams. There was a very small beaver dam pullover on the river. BUT, there's a monster beaver dam just before Kawasachong, which may account for raised water levels on the river. I took one side going in, the other coming out. The W side was easier.
Michwall2 06/15/2021 09:40AM
Erinelizabeth882: "Thanks for the advice folks. We ended with Kawishiwi. I think we’ll either head to Malberg or do part of the lady chain. We did the lady chain to Phoebe lake from Sawbill last year, so we would maybe do an out and back to Hazel or Knight. Any thoughts or advice on the area within the Pagami creek fire? Looks like Square and Kawasashong both are in that area. "

The trip to Hazel is nice, but once you are there there is not much to do. Both the campsites are nice and you can see the entire lake from each one. You could day trip to Knight or Phoebe I suppose.

I would take the opportunity to visit the pictographs on Fishdance. Malberg is a big lake and you could take some time to explore there. There is a waterfall through a canyon that the northeast portage follows. Take some time to paddle the Louse River. You wouldn't have to go all the way to Frond/Boze Lakes. You would get the flavor with a mile or so of paddling there.

Have a great trip!
x2jmorris 06/15/2021 09:27AM
Erinelizabeth882: "Thanks for the advice folks. We ended with Kawishiwi. I think we’ll either head to Malberg or do part of the lady chain. We did the lady chain to Phoebe lake from Sawbill last year, so we would maybe do an out and back to Hazel or Knight. Any thoughts or advice on the area within the Pagami creek fire? Looks like Square and Kawasashong both are in that area. "

Not much to give on advice on that other than it is a different look. Kind of cool to see. I would be hesitant about camping at the remaining sites but others have and seemed to have enjoyed it.
Erinelizabeth882 06/15/2021 06:53AM
Thanks for the advice folks. We ended with Kawishiwi. I think we’ll either head to Malberg or do part of the lady chain. We did the lady chain to Phoebe lake from Sawbill last year, so we would maybe do an out and back to Hazel or Knight. Any thoughts or advice on the area within the Pagami creek fire? Looks like Square and Kawasashong both are in that area.
mjmkjun 06/15/2021 06:09AM
Hog Creek EP. Rental canoes & shuttle service with Sawbill Outfitters. Showerhouse at Sawbill. (Call to see if it's open to the public again from Covid shutdowns.) Small store with goodies/beer/supplies. Campground for night before or final night. One short portage and 4 beaver dams--with one dam you can't paddle over even if water level is high. You can pull a loaded canoe over it upon exiting, tho, with steadfast footing. Given the timeframe you have, quick to reach a basecamp/about 2 .75 hrs. from the EP--at a leisure pace. Hog Creek is one S curve after another--on and on--until you reach Perent. A bit of rocker in the canoe of your choice is wise. Perent Lake can be choppy at the slightest wind but it's manageable. It feels remote but only a short distance from forest service road 354 as the crow flies.
It is not a challenging route as the other recommendations, to say the least. It'll work if your goal is for comradery vs a route with modest challenges/scenic viewpoints/traveling distance in mind. My favorite site is # 998. Trees. Breezes. Space. Westward view of Lake. Not dusty like some of the other island sites.
cyclones30 06/13/2021 07:56PM
I agree w/ the lady chain suggestion. Start @ kawishiwi lake and head up to Polly and then east through the river/lakes ending @ Sawbill's dock. Use them for shuttle and canoes
lindylair 06/12/2021 08:20PM
Hog Creek entry to Perent Lake. Two hour paddle down a meandering stream which could have a beaver dam on it, but did not when we were there. No portaging but for a short carry from the car to the put in. Beautiful island studded lake with lots of nice campsites and not very heavily used. Almost all permits are available for your timeframe at this point. Chances of getting a real nice campsite are pretty good.

Typical Perent lake scene

Stopped for a break on Hog Creek

Perent Lake sunrise

ledhead 06/11/2021 05:19PM
In my best Matt Foley.... awhoopsadaisy..... Little Isabella is EP 75, not 74
ledhead 06/11/2021 05:13PM
Not sure your exact entry date but Little Isabella (74) is available for Friday Aug 27th. Beautiful area, decent moose population, could paddle up to Quadja for base camp and return. Another option would be outfitter shuttle, paddle down river, portage into Bald Eagle, lots of great campsite options on both BE and Gabbro, maybe exit Little Gabbro (33) or continue up Kawishiwi River exiting Lake One or Farm Lake? Other exit route options as well.... you’ll see others, but will have decent solitude at least the first day, and few portages....
x2jmorris 06/11/2021 02:38PM
TuscaroraBorealis: "I think using the Snowbank entry & incorporating Cattyman Falls into your trip will accomplish your stated goals. Poke around in the maps section and develop a suitable route. Beware, that the portage between Boot & Abinodgi, while only 70 some rods, is a very challenging portage. (See comments in maps section.)

Photo is not Cattyman Falls but, rapids on river between Snowbank & Boot."

Your review is what made me state it doesn't sound easy lol and I find all your reviews pretty accurate.
TuscaroraBorealis 06/11/2021 01:53PM
I think using the Snowbank entry & incorporating Cattyman Falls into your trip will accomplish your stated goals. Poke around in the maps section and develop a suitable route. Beware, that the portage between Boot & Abinodgi, while only 70 some rods, is a very challenging portage. (See comments in maps section.)

Photo is not Cattyman Falls but, rapids on river between Snowbank & Boot.
Michwall2 06/11/2021 09:52AM
I would use Kawishiwi Lake entry. The last weekend in August there are permits available so it looks like the huge rush is over.

Get a shuttle from the folks at Sawbill Outfitters (see the outfitter page on this site.) to Kawishiwi Lake. You are going to start at Kawishiwi and end at Sawbill.

Lady Lakes Route
Day 1 is Kawishiwi, Square, Kawashachong, Townline, Polly. There is a beautiful winding river paddle from Kawishiwi through Square to Kawashachong Lake. From a there a couple of medium portages with a short paddle in between bring you to Polly Lake. From the approach to Square through the south end of Polly Lake you will be passing through the eastern end of the Pagami Creek Fire area. Polly is a popular lake with many islands and several 4-5 star campsites.

Day 2 Polly, Phoebe River, Hazel Lake, Phoebe River, Knight Lake, Phoebe River, Phoebe Lake, Phoebe River, Grace Lake. You can play it by ear and stop on Phoebe Lake or continue to Grace Lake. The river portions of the route today are beautiful paddling with good wildlife sighting possibilities. There are several beaver dams to pull over today.

Day 3 - Grace, Beth, Alton, Sawbill. Once you leave Grace Lake you will encounter more people. Beth Lake is a lovely lake with great scenery and very clear water. You want to paddle Alton Lake as early as possible to avoid the afternoon wind. The short portage from Alton to Sawbill will bring you within sight of your destination of the landing at Sawbill Lake.

Option 2 - Day tripping from Malberg
Day 1 Kawishiwi to Malberg Lake - This will be longer than your 3-5 hours per day, but will usually get you beyond most of the people that stop on Polly Lake. Day 1 - See day 1 above and add - Polly, Pond, Pond, Koma Lake, Malberg Lake.

Day 2 - Day trip - Fishdance Lake for the Pictographs. Head out the west portage out of Malberg (there may be a beaver pond covering a section of the center of this portage.). You will find a muddy portage end on the River Lake end. Paddle southwest on the Kawishiwi River toward Fishdance Lake. You will encounter one portage around a scenic little rapids. A little further on you will find a sheer cliff face and you search that for the pictographs. On your way back north you can walk a scenic section of the portage that follows the Kawishiwi River to Alice Lake. The short paddle into Amber Lake will bring you to a sand beach for an afternoon swim.

Day 3 - You have options today - Day trip to: Northwest to Adams/Beaver Lake for a trip into a very little visited part of the BW. Northeast to Makwa Lake for some great scenery and one of the most massive cliff faces in the BW. East along the Louse River for the solitude and some amazing river paddling through an ancient feeling river route.

Or you can head back to Polly Lake to shorten your paddle for the last day.

Day 4 - Paddle back to Kawishiwi Lake landing.

Hope you have a great trip.
billconner 06/11/2021 09:41AM
Good advice from x2jmorris. I might set my sites on Ashigan and take any attractive site from Boot on. Leave by 7 and you shouldn't have any problem being on Ashigan by noon. My favorite route time calculator says 4 1/2 hours - Snowbank EP to site on Ashigan.
x2jmorris 06/11/2021 07:43AM
Based on those I would try as follows but keep in mind I have not been in this particular area much.

I would choose Snowbank and head towards Boot Lake. It is a bit of a paddle and I would keep my eye on the 2 sites before the portage and note if they are open. The portage into Boot sounds like it is easy but might be slightly difficult to find. On this lake you have 2 campsites to choose from. One is highly rated and the other sounds like it depends if it was cleaned up in 2019 to now. I would take one of these sites if possible. If not, then you either have to backtrack to one of those two sites on Snowbank or push through to Abinodji Lake. I would personally push through to Abinodji Lake and see if that site is open. Now keep in mind this portage is not long but it is rated difficult because of the slope. But being short I would take it on for the possible remoteness.

Now if that site is taken you have a bit of a problem lol.

You now have to do 3 not bad portages through Swing, Gibson, Ashigan which will offer 4 more sites plus one more portage into Ensign for 6 more sites. 10 sites to easily choose from I would think one would be open.


You go 4 portages to Swing, Gibson, Cattyman, Jordan and Jordan has 3 sites to choose from.

I would aim for Ashigan myself as it offers more options for sites but that is only if Boot and Abinodji sites are full.

By my calculations I think you would be on Abinodji in about 4 hours not factoring wind on Snowbank. I think you factor another 2-3 hours in if you have to go to Ashigan/Ensign.

I would avoid Kawishiwi because you are stuck to one route and it is popular. I would skip Moose bc it is a large lake and also bc it is popular with not many options to get off the main route. Snowbank while large I think most go the route of Disappointment Lake to Jordan to Ima....which is why I would aim for Boot to start.

Anyways that is what my plan would be based on the EP's you provided.

Erinelizabeth882 06/11/2021 07:22AM
Looking for route and EP selection advice. Our main options at this point seem to be Moose, Snowbank or Kawishiwi lake EPs. Fall is also an option. Our dates are set, we only have 3 nights (will drive up from Minneapolis and stay a 4th night before heading out), and need to rent canoes. Because we’re booking permits late and I’d like to make the most of our time, these seem to be our main options for the last weekend in August.

We are four women, at least three of whom have done BWCA trips before and are experienced backpackers/campers. We want to avoid long, long portages, but also get off the big lakes into some smaller ones. We love good scenery and great campsites, but don’t care about fishing. We like to paddle for 3-5 hours in the morning (happy to paddle longer the first day to get away from the crowds a bit) and the spend time relaxing at nice campsites. We are ok with base camp for two nights or moving all three nights.