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 Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
    Trip Planning Forum
       Heading to Clearwater, Mountain, Caribou, Deer, Moon
Date/Time: 12/04/2024 10:31PM
Heading to Clearwater, Mountain, Caribou, Deer, Moon

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WanderingWoodsmanMN 08/01/2021 11:33PM
Hi friends,

We are taking off Tuesday and heading in on Clearwater en route to Clearwater, Mountain, Caribou, Little Caribou, Pine, Deer, Moon. Any tips on latest conditions? I got a few fishing tips around there but any recent news would be greatly appreciated. Bugs? Water temps? Tricky spots? Were folks able to find campsites? Seems to be a busy area. Is Johnson Falls flowing at all with the low water? Any issues with low water on portages or any other impacts? Is the wildfire smoke okay? Been to BW many times but any information is good. Thanks!