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       Trip Report - Familiar waters-strange circumstances
Date/Time: 02/14/2025 01:15AM
Trip Report - Familiar waters-strange circumstances

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Jaywalker 01/01/2022 08:19AM
Thanks for sharing this report. The photos were great, and sounds like the boys really had fun despite the trip being shortened. Hope you are able to get back up and do a full trip soon.
Freeleo1 12/26/2021 10:33AM
Nice report. I'm sorry you didn't make it to LLC, but it sounds like you had fun anyway. It's good to see the next generation of BW trippers having a good time. It's going to take people who care about the area to keep it going. The Lac La Croix First Nations people are getting some say in the Quetico area also, so there is interest on both sides of the border for keeping the area pristine. Hopefully there will be less drought in the future so we don't have as many bad fires as there were this year.

Also, they were carrying fresh milk? I'm the last one that should be complaining about over packing, but really. I don't like Carnation Instant milk either, but I've never had a complaint about Nido, and I'm pretty particular about milk.
30Smoke 12/26/2021 12:59AM
I enjoyed reading your report and appreciate you taking the time to bring us along. These trip reports are so great for planning for future trips. I stayed on one of the backcountry sites on Lake Jeanette this summer before entering the BWCA, and that is a really nice lake. But it was great to see the kids having fun and that you were able to adapt and go other places up there. There are so many opportunities both in that area and outside the BWCA. It is a great recreational resource.
It must have been fate that I was working on a trip report today that went through Oyster, Gebe, and out into Lac la Croix before heading out on Moose/Portage EP 16. It is a beautiful area and I highly recommend trying that route again. It might be silly, but sitting on the stone chairs on Gebe was more fun than it should have been. May the wind always be at your back.
Thanks for sharing your trip
straighthairedcurly 12/25/2021 06:07PM
Great pictures and some nice looking fish. I love the smiles on those boys' faces.

Glad you were able to find some alternative activities. We were fortunate in that our Mudro permit was cancelled the day we were supposed to enter, but we grabbed a Moose entry. We found out about the western area closure when we stopped for lunch at Upper Basswood Falls and were told to move east asap. I hadn't heard someone died in that storm. We were on the eastern part of Basswood Lake when it hit. We pulled over and camped early due to the lightning. So sad someone lost their life.
Spartan2 12/25/2021 05:29PM
Great report. I really enjoyed your photos.

Sometimes we just have to "make lemonade", and it appears that you and your group really did that. Lots of good memories and stories to tell.
fairmatt 12/25/2021 01:32PM
New Trip Report posted by fairmatt

Trip Name: Familiar waters-strange circumstances.

Entry Point: 14

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