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 Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
    Trip Planning Forum
       Entry Point 3 - Pine Lake Trail?
Date/Time: 07/26/2024 07:44PM
Entry Point 3 - Pine Lake Trail?

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TreeBear 04/27/2022 11:19AM
Alright. who knows anything about the former trail that ran from somewhere around Bear Creek up to Pine Lake. I know I have had general discussion about this with folks on here before.

I always assumed it was just a remnant of the logging roads and then faded away, but I have no literature to back that notion.

What I do know from the 1940s and 50s airphotos is that there were two roads that ran from Bear Creek up to Pine but both seemed to cut through the swamps at a bunch of spots and generally follow the two creeks that head that way. Both have been fairly efficiently erased by the beavers (though you can still see traces on the sat photos.)

Does anyone know if one of these two roads was the Pine Lake Trail or was it something else? Also, when did it really start fading away?

I have a google map with "mystery routes" on it and acknowledging where the trail used to be is still one of the question marks. Thanks!