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       Trip De-Briefs?
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 08:23PM
Trip De-Briefs?

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DMan5501 09/15/2022 12:34PM
We usually do the debrief discussion the last night around the campfire and the journey home.... The same 4 guys (base camping 4 nights) so we have it down to a science but always discuss streamlining equipment, food etc. and location for next years trip..

Top Lessons learned..
1. We each have our own tent
2. While base camping - interesting day trips are a must
3. Always plan for "wind day/rain day" under the tarp activities
4. 6 packs max.. 4 small personal, 1 food & 1 cooking/group equipment. Nothing strapped to the outside of the pack - no loose fishing rods!

bombinbrian 09/15/2022 10:03AM
We talk about things on the trip and on the way home about what we brought, what we didn’t use, what we didn’t bring but could have used. We take notes and then I change things in our spreadsheet
RRHD 09/10/2022 08:57PM
I just got back a few hours ago. My lessons this trip were a. My adult daughter and I need a clear phrase for NO, I’m not comfortable with that, because we lost a good site when she was really tired and done because I wanted to check out one more site. Everyone gets to say: this is my veto, and that’s non negotiable.

And b. You can single portage even the long Tuscarora portage if you just set your canoe down and rest a minute and drink water.

And in case they see this, thanks to the nice young men who offered to let us share their site on Crooked when we came back and they were there and my daughter started crying. We pushed on to Tuscarora and got a great site, but they were so sweet to us.
LindenTree 09/07/2022 09:30AM

We used the AAR process after every shift fighting a wildfire, see if it would work for your group. Every day may be too much but perhaps after every trip.

After action Review(AAR,developed%20by%20the%20U.S.%20Army.
ockycamper 09/07/2022 08:01AM
I think without some type of evaluation of the trip, we keep doing it the "same old way" and not looking for ways to improve the trip. Also, everyone should have input.

What we have found is that before a trip each group member brings stuff "they really need" for the trip. After several portages with their stuff, they find they don't really need all that gear. That's when the tents are disgarded for hammocks, large chairs for Helinox backpacking chairs, large fishing tackle boxes for one or two Pelican trays, and coolers full of meat and fresh food for dehydrated foods that can pack in 1/4 the space and weigh a fraction of the other.
TrailZen 09/07/2022 07:47AM
Our trip debriefs are held as we drive home from BWCA/Q trips. The drive is 1250-1450 miles, depending on our entry point, so we have plenty of time to discuss each piece of gear, each item of clothing, each meal, etc. From those discussions a tip sheet is generated for the next trip and is added to a computer file with the gear lists, menu lists, check lists, etc, from previous trips. When we start planning our 2023 trip (just returned from Quetico/Beaverhouse yesterday) we'll pull several years' info to make food, gear, and clothing plans.

ThePeregrine 09/06/2022 09:29PM
For the past few years I've been using a shared Google Sheet to plan my trips. Separate workbooks for individual gear, group gear, meals, and route. Everyone can add ideas and comments early in the planning process, and we refine it as the trip approaches. I use it as a checklist when packing, and it really helped when brining someone for their first time this year. After the trip everyone can go in and add comments around any items they didn't use or want to upgrade next time. This packing list and post-trip thoughts becomes the starting point for planning the next trip.
sns 09/04/2022 03:42PM
I will usually debrief several times on a hot day.

And on the way home, we discuss what could be better. I summarize in an email a few days later. More maple syrup, less bisquick, more bacon, another tarp....

Most requested change is for less in-trip debriefing, but I refuse.
ockycamper 09/04/2022 03:08PM
I use the notes app in the Iphone to record items I want to make sure to take with me to BWCA
907Tundra 09/04/2022 12:39PM
Taking the time to evaluate my planning and gear choices and then writing it down has been really useful. I think we’ve all had a great idea that we thought we could never forget and then when the next season rolls around you can’t quite remember all the details anymore.
I use my iPhone to record notes on my trips and to keep all sorts of lists. I like it because my phone is generally in my pocket whether I’m on a trip or at home daydreaming about my next one. I often will consciously sit down and do a debrief, including during a trip but sometimes an idea randomly pops into my head, either way I just make a quick note.
Being organized and efficient helps me relax and enjoy myself. After my last trip I know I came up with a pretty good list of things. At the moment I can only remember a handful. Hmmm…I think I’ll grab my phone later and refresh my mind about all those brilliant ideas I had in July. Learning from my mistakes is very helpful, remembering all the things I “learned” a year later is even better.
StLouisPaddler 09/02/2022 10:06PM
We debrief on the way home. We are continually trying to cut weight where we can to make room for stuff that makes the trip more enjoyable. Lots of conversations about how much fuel or TP we went through, what kitchen items were unnecessary, and what we changed since the last trip that worked out well and that we should keep doing. We also kick around problems we had and potential solutions. Often that comes down to what gear item should we consider adding next trip. Fishing is a big part of our trips so we also spend time talking about what lures brought in fish, and which ones just took up space.
bobbernumber3 09/02/2022 05:21PM
We don't have a group de-brief, but the three main planners meet often enough and we discuss successes and failures. Us three just did a 3-day camp/fishing trip around Park Falls, WI and I am making notes tonight.

I do most of the cooking on our trips and a few years ago the guys said "If you want cast iron for cooking, we'll carry it!" They do like my cooking and I never have to wash a thing,
ockycamper 09/02/2022 04:04PM
Thanks for your input. Items that worked for us: Platypus gravity filters, Helinox chairs and tables, Jetboil stoves.

Things that didn't work: Any cast iron, large coolers of frozen/fresh food, large tents.

Every year we look at all gear and clothing and ask "did we use it"? And if so, did it work? If not, it doesn't go back
cmanimal 09/01/2022 04:27PM
A day of checklist was a recent addition, as we seem to have a habit of heading to the EP with out filling water bottles. Not a show stopper by any means, but a small annoyance.
KawnipiKid 09/01/2022 01:30PM
We have not done a formal debrief but I really like the idea. Almost every trip, one of us says "what did we decide again last time?" We do reflect and adjust and improve but I like the idea of having a group discussion and making some decisions and notes when the experience is fresh. Things we've improved in recent years include better first aid kits (more thoughtful contents including trauma/bleeding kit and everyone knowing where it is packed), everyone having at least a fire starter, compass and whistle in their PFD, better coordinating stuff everyone used to bring that often can be common/shared (from snacks and sun and bug stuff to TP), a small weather radio (CCrane pocket radio), better bear awareness and prep, reducing hand-carry junk not in a pack, etc. We don't do big groups like you do, but I can see how it's even more important as the group size expands and people come and go. Good ideas, thanks.
ockycamper 08/30/2022 08:20AM
We have been going to BWCA for almost fifteen years, taking up 10-20 men (in three groups) each year. A practice we have started when we all arrive back at the outfitter, and on the drive home, is going over the entire trip and listing out what worked and what didn't. We try to learn from that each year.

For instance... three years ago, we were on Seagull in late September and it rained/sleeted/snowed, multiple times on multiple days. We had a former Scout leader who showed us how to build a survival shelter around the campfire by turning it into an oven. That kept us at the campsite and warm when others were heading back to the outfitter. We now bring survival blankets in each group and rope to make these type of shelters if needed.

Safety: we learned that each camp has a full first aid kit, including a trauma kit. That, along with some type of PLB or Garmin InReach. We also sent two of our guys through NOLS Wilderness First Aid certification

Gear: We have really lightened up over the years. Almost all of us are in hammocks. We abandoned the heavy camp chairs for Helinox style chairs. We have lightened up our food by going mainly freeze dried foods for meals.

What has worked/not worked for your groups you would like to pass on?