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       Trip Report - Winter Camping | Lake One
Date/Time: 10/15/2024 09:14PM
Trip Report - Winter Camping | Lake One

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paddlefamily 05/02/2023 02:53PM
Hi! Yes! It was an interesting scavenger hunt, lol. I should have been more clear on the video. I haven't finished it yet, but will post it when I do.

In the meantime, some of my videos from this adventure can be found on Instagram at sokaoutdoors
TuscaroraBorealis 04/24/2023 07:07PM

Enjoyed the writeup of your adventure & the photos. Finding the latrine in the winter is always an extra adventure! Maybe it was just me but, I didn't see where to access the aforementioned video(s)?

Photo from Angleworm Lake last winter. :)
paddlefamily 04/20/2023 12:13PM
Please check out the report with videos here.
paddlefamily 04/20/2023 10:34AM
New Trip Report posted by paddlefamily

Trip Name: Winter Camping | Lake One .

Entry Point: 30

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