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 Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
    Trip Planning Forum
       Tips or advice (Indiana Lake / Good Lake)
Date/Time: 02/16/2025 12:16AM
Tips or advice (Indiana Lake / Good Lake)

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IDecoyM 09/12/2023 11:58AM
Hey GramZ, How was the trip We will be heading up on Sep 29th Wood-Hula-Good-Indiana for four days 7 guys. How was fishing? any imput on Indian or Good campsites?
AceAceAce 08/17/2023 07:01AM
I've been on Good and Indiana, both are beautiful lakes. The campsite in the middle of Good is really cool, but no good landing and might be a bit small for a group of seven.

You'll be close to hoist bay of basswood. Might be worth a side trip to see. The old hoist is neat. Its location is marked on the maps on here and there are a couple pictures too.

Have a safe trip!
mirth 08/16/2023 09:35AM
Oh, and the creek that goes from Indiana to Wind Bay winds around a lot, and has a gigantic beaver dam close to Indiana.
mirth 08/16/2023 09:32AM
Was just in that area with a Northern Tier crew. We camped on Indiana and Wind. Of the two sites on Indiana, the more western site was better. On Wind, we camped at the southern site on the island where you circled, it was adequate for one night. Fish around the sunken trees in the northern part of Wind, we got a fat largemouth that our crew enjoyed for dinner.

We had 9 people, 4 tents, and a hammock (me).
gramz 08/14/2023 04:01AM
Hello, my group and I are going from Moose into Wind, then into Indiana Lake and maybe staying on Indiana Lake or going into Good Lake toward the end of August.

I've attached a picture of the route we're doing.

I'm curious if anyone has any suggestions, tips, or advice for this area/route?

Hopefully this isn't off topic or posted in the wrong area. I've only posted in here once before so I'm kind of new, but the community was super helpful with my last post.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions. It's greatly appreciated!

(My group will be a total of seven people and we'll be in the BW for three days.)