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       Trip Report - June-July 2009
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 08:07PM
Trip Report - June-July 2009

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fishguts 04/16/2010 06:16PM
Nice report! I loved the pictures especialy the one of the string of Northerns.
drnatus 04/16/2010 11:31AM
quote danhawk: "Thanks for that report. That must have been frightening when you tipped over! Luckily the water temperature was not too cold.

It sounds like you guys planned out some good meals. I do have some questions about your menu. Did you bring a pre-mixed cookie dough with you? How did the cookies turn out? Did you bring in pasta sauce in cans? What is chicken flavored TVP?



We brought pasta sauce in the foil packs. Something like this. But you can likely find it in your local store.

Chicken flavored TVP is Textured Vegetable Protein: info about TVP

We mixed about 1/2 cup TVP, 1/2 cup instant brown rice, and 1/2 cup freeze dried veggies. I believe that we then added 3/4 cup boiling water to that. This was seasoned with Tony's cajun seasoning. Pretty big portion, but you get carbs, protein, and veggies all in one meal.

Check this link for more info on peanut butter cookies
danhawk 04/15/2010 02:48PM
Thanks for that report. That must have been frightening when you tipped over! Luckily the water temperature was not too cold.

It sounds like you guys planned out some good meals. I do have some questions about your menu. Did you bring a pre-mixed cookie dough with you? How did the cookies turn out? Did you bring in pasta sauce in cans? What is chicken flavored TVP?


dadof6 04/01/2010 09:05AM
Excellent report!

We also put in the same day you did, but from Sawbill. We were able to shield ourselves from the SW-W most of the day. When we hit Cherokee, the wind was pretty much at our backs. I checked my GPS and it said we were paddling NE on Cherokee at 6.5 MPH!

We then headed west into Frost Lake. When we got to the edge of the lake, the wind had shifted to the NE. The whitecaps were huge and blowing straight at us. Since we were 3 in a canoe (MNIII), we took on the challenge with that same nagging voice (why are you doing this?) and made it to the 2nd campsite on the north shore of Frost.

Another memory was how the weather radio kept saying "tomorrow would be sunny" and like you never saw the sun until late Wednesday, but only briefly and then more so Thursday night. But for us, we used our layover day on Friday and it was a beautiful sunny, warm day.

Still, we had a great trip despite the weather.

Thanks for sharing!
TuscaroraBorealis 03/31/2010 06:20PM
Very entertaining report. Glad to see you "kept the faith" even after going over early.
TomT 02/23/2010 04:42PM
Enjoyed it very much thanks for posting.

BTW, it seems like the turtles always find a way to get at the fish left in the water. Next time just filet them and put the fish in double bagged zip locks and in an anchor bag and lower into deep water to keep chilled overnight.
lars54 02/22/2010 04:25PM
Nice report @ pictures
glad to hear that you all were wearing your
PFD's when you went over
MOgirl 02/22/2010 02:04PM
Great report Doc! You had me laughing out loud! Thanks for sharing.
ducks 02/21/2010 08:20AM
Great report thanks for sharing. Quite the first day of your trip. That would make getting into the canoe the rest of the trip very nerve racking.
ultralight 02/21/2010 05:30AM
That wind was terrible. We went in on the same day at E.P. 30 and had whitecaps on the Kawishiwi River. I can't imagine crossing Loon. You did a great job of not panicking in spite of the canoe flip. PFD's are a great blessing when you're in that situation. Glad it turned out ok.
bapabear 02/20/2010 07:51PM
Great report! I thoroughly enjoyed the read.

You had a lot of experiences with swamping in wind and big waves certainly ranking right up there. I would love to get a group from my church together and have a trip like yours. I'm usually the guy that's gotta pee first when on our trips so I got a kick out of that especially with the turnabout when it was your turn.
izzy 02/20/2010 06:18PM
Nicely Done
SunCatcher 02/20/2010 05:55PM
Reminds me of the disciples with Jesus on the water in the storm.
He slept, they worried. He woke up and fixed the problem as I recall.
Nice report, nice pics, great memories. Especially the swamping the canoe story at the beginning. Priceless (builds character Ha ha)
Koda 02/20/2010 04:13PM
Great trip report! It was really fun to read.
drnatus 02/20/2010 02:43PM
New Trip Report posted by drnatus

Trip Name: June-July 2009 .

Entry Point: 14

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