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 Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
    Winter Camping and Activities
       Little Gabbro Area? Other Suggestions?
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 08:06PM
Little Gabbro Area? Other Suggestions?

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Frenchy19 12/06/2013 09:48PM
quote PINETREE: "Paul Schuke Wintergreen runs sled dogs somewhere thru that area if you want a contact about info on farm lake."

I have taken groups of students for the past ten years into the Wilderness through Wintergreen; this will be my first year not using them! Great organization and great people!! Thanks for the suggestion, however.
PINETREE 12/06/2013 09:36PM
Paul Schuke Wintergreen runs sled dogs somewhere thru that area if you want a contact about info on farm lake.
Frenchy19 12/06/2013 09:26PM
quote PINETREE: "Still be wary of the Kawishiwi river where you go?

Always aware and cautious of river water; your point is very well taken! Thanks!!
PINETREE 12/06/2013 08:35PM
Still be wary of the Kawishiwi river where you go?
karola 12/06/2013 08:33PM
I brought 3 friends on their first winter camping trip several years ago in March. We went into little gabbro and camped past the narrows of little gabbro (the bay the jets to the north on the far west side of gabbro). The temps were favorable until the day we headed in. I believe the high for the day we hiked in was 0. We got to the camping spot and I had my buddy drill a hole to sink the minnows (I always bring live bait in). He didn't go out far enough and drilled in to a rock and wrecked the auger blades! The next day 2 of us decided to go to Ely and buy an auger so we could fish. The cars wouldn't start because it got so cold the night before! We even started small fires under the engines but no buddy drained the battery on his car. The next day it warmed up and we left. BUT I got stuck on the trail on the way out since it had since snowed (I had a car at the time). We ultimately got both vehicles out but none of those friends have since been on a winter camping trip, unfortunately. Go to Wood Lake, its a short hike in, good northern fishing, and a quick walk out should anything go wrong. I've been on about 20 winter trips and learn something new every time, so start small and go from there.
Frenchy19 12/06/2013 08:10PM
Thanks, Pinetree. We are going to forgo the LG area as we do not have a 4 x 4 and do not want to get stranded on our way in or out. Looking at Farm Lake entry at this point.

Appreciate all the advice, folks!
PINETREE 12/06/2013 06:53PM
quote catfish72: " I make a yearly trip in March into little gabbro area to hunt down crappies. As far as access goes some years its pretty easy to get to the parking lot at the portage trail head with my jeep, others I just sort of find a spot to park where you turn off of spruce road. It seems fairly well traveled out there but a 4x4 is a must. Are you planning on staying on little Gabbro or just in the area? my one concern about that area is all the moving water! Even in March there is open water near the trails to the west into the Kawishiwi. I tend to steer clear of this area early in the year due to me not being sure of the safety of the ice. If you are staying on little gabbro you should be ok but stay clear of the narrows that lead to regular size gabbro (not safe!) there should be a winter trail marked on your map to get around the narrows. I fish the parts to the west of Little gabbro so I can not speak to the fishing on the Gabbros but it is a beatutiful area! good luck and be safe! Any other particular questions you have I would be glad to try and help out. post them. "

I agree on the above advice on be careful.

I use to winter ski the area and the Spruce road use to be plowed up to the entry point to the Kawishiwi river,than I would ski the road to the Little Gabro entry point.

A lot of logging last summer on the spruce road. Extensive logging(wondered if it had anything to future potential mining in that area? I don;'t know?

I do know for years Outward Bound would camp on Little Gabro in the winter.

Easiest answer is check with the District Forester on plowed road or not?
Frenchy19 12/05/2013 08:20AM
Thanks, folks.
catfish72 12/04/2013 11:53PM
I make a yearly trip in March into little gabbro area to hunt down crappies. As far as access goes some years its pretty easy to get to the parking lot at the portage trail head with my jeep, others I just sort of find a spot to park where you turn off of spruce road. It seems fairly well traveled out there but a 4x4 is a must. Are you planning on staying on little Gabbro or just in the area? my one concern about that area is all the moving water! Even in March there is open water near the trails to the west into the Kawishiwi. I tend to steer clear of this area early in the year due to me not being sure of the safety of the ice. If you are staying on little gabbro you should be ok but stay clear of the narrows that lead to regular size gabbro (not safe!) there should be a winter trail marked on your map to get around the narrows. I fish the parts to the west of Little gabbro so I can not speak to the fishing on the Gabbros but it is a beatutiful area! good luck and be safe! Any other particular questions you have I would be glad to try and help out. post them.
lundojam 12/04/2013 07:21PM
A buddy of mine went winter trekking to little gabbro and gabbro in March hoping for crappies, which are in there, but got none. That's all I got.
inspector13 12/04/2013 04:36PM

I’m pretty sure Spruce Road is not normally plowed during the winter unless there is logging activity. You could get access into that general area through Farm Lake though. Lots of points into the BWCAW will be inaccessible by car during the winter unless there are cabins, businesses, or popular ice fishing access points in the area.

Frenchy19 12/04/2013 03:47PM
Ok, my buddy and I are heading up for a 5 day trip in late December. We would like to base camp, but we are also willing to move as we will be cold camping. Presently we are thinking of entering @ Little Gabbro, and I would really appreciate some feedback-positive or negative-regarding this area for winter camping (e.g. fishing, day trips, etc.) as well as any other entry/route suggestions.

While we have extensive summer experience in the BW, this is one area we have never been to. Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions!