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 Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
    Quetico Forum
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 08:03PM

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Eyedocron 06/04/2016 02:34PM
We have had this come up twice over the years. A couple in their 20s were going and he did not get his permit as he did not report a DUI from six years before on his RABC form. She did report a three year previous DUI on hers and was admitted. Go figure. She went without him and had a great time.

Other time was 10 years ago and I got a court statement to get the RABC from a teen infraction years before. Should have not gone to the effort. Turned out to be a drug using grumbler.

Jackfish 06/03/2016 01:47PM
quote Folsom: "Well, we left the poor boy at home. "
Good call. Have a great trip.
Folsom 06/03/2016 01:14PM
Well, we left the poor boy at home. Currently waiting in Minneapolis for our flight to Duluth. Psyched to head out into the Q tomorrow morning. Thank you for all of your replies.
billconner 06/03/2016 07:12AM
On the reverse, it seems US is upping enforcement on people entering US through the parks. Outfitter confirmed his sense also. Only a matter of time before US cross checks Q permits.
Frenchy19 06/02/2016 09:04PM
quote billconner: "I have same feeling as Joe. The rangers have told me they don't want to see an RABC. Not their job to enforce border protection laws."

Pinetree 06/02/2016 08:52PM
The border guards or customs makes trips every year along the Quetico border. When-who knows. Seen them a few times in recent years.
billconner 06/02/2016 08:25PM
I have same feeling as Joe. The rangers have told me they don't want to see an RABC. Not their job to enforce border protection laws.
joetrain 06/02/2016 03:19PM
I have been through Prarie Portage almost 40 times and only once was I checked for the RABC. That one time was by actual border agents who were checking everyone on the Canadian side.
landoftheskytintedwater 06/02/2016 09:10AM
My wife was more on the lead when we checked-in last week so I'm not positive. They did look at our RABC. However, they never checked our IDs. I get they're not immigration officials, rather they are more basically concerned with us having a permit, but I thought it was a little surprising.

Folsom 06/02/2016 08:40AM
Thanks for the reply, T. He sent in his RABC form about 30 days ago and was denied.

Bottom line is that he didn't admit to his DUI on his RABC and after all I've read that is likely why he was not deemed rehabilitated. I was on the phone with him when he filled it out, he assured me he had no skeletons in the closet.

So, I think we are down to a three man trip. I've never paddled a solo canoe. I guess not having the extra 200 pounds will help.

timatkn 06/02/2016 08:00AM
You have a .01% chance of getting checked at Prairie for an RABC, but as another poster said I'd be nervous the whole time without one and it is pretty serious if you don't have one and you do get checked.

You have a higher chance of getting checked while you are out in Quetico. They can do random plane drop in's for customs check (RABC). Does he really want to be nervous every time a float plane flies over? Your risk is still low BTW, but just saying. In that case I think he is looking at thousands in fines and possible removal by float plane with additional bail and travel out of Canada.

As someone else said an DWI 18 years ago would be unlikely to hold an RABC back. I know several people who applied with old DWI's and got an RABC.

Getting an RABC in 30 days should be doable as well.

I guess I don't get the "chance it". It's 30 bucks. I highly doubt he will get checked and will be fine, but if he does get checked, I'd assume you would be banned from entry into Canada in the future for illegally crossing the border - in most countries that is a pretty serious thing?

I think there is more to the story he isn't telling you or maybe I am not understanding something on his end.


Folsom 06/01/2016 09:34PM
He has to decide if he wants to go out there without the form and chance it. I think the backup plan is to have the outfitter take us out there with three canoes, two 2-man canoes and one solo canoe. If he doesn't get in, we'll go in with just three and he can return to the outfitters, then back to California alone.

It really sucks. It's my cousin and I'm pretty pissed at him. I badgered him to get the form in months ago, he waited until 30 days out to send it in and now we have this. This is my eighth trip into both the BWCA/Quetico. I fell in love with this place when I was ten and my dad drove me and my three brothers from CA to MN in a rented Ford Pinto.

Wables 06/01/2016 09:16PM
Do you have a backup plan if they don't let you in? I have heard of many ruined trips because someone couldn't cross the border. I've never heard of it at PP or Cache Bay, but that doesn't mean it can't happen. I wouldn't roll those dice with my group.
Folsom 06/01/2016 08:49PM
thanks for your reply
BLee 06/01/2016 08:14PM
I don't think a DUI 18 years ago is causing the problem. I thought if you had one up to three years prior to the application is where most people get denied. I wonder if he has had a more recent one he is not telling you about.

Personally I have never been checked while in the Q. Been there 5 or 6 times. If I were to go without one, I would constantly be on edge that I am going to get checked and would not enjoy the trip.

Plus he might get put on a terrorist list. ;)

Folsom 06/01/2016 06:59PM
My group is entering Quetico through Prairie Portage. Three of us have an approved RABC, one guy does not because of a DUI 18 years ago. He's been working with a lady in Canada over the phone to get this resolved.

My question is, if he doesn't get his form back by the time we start the trip, what is the likelihood that ranger at Prairie Portage will ask to see our RABC forms? Also, what is the likelihood that they cross check for an RABC form when he pays his permit fees at the station. Thank you.