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       Trip Report - Honeymoon of a lifetime
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 07:52PM
Trip Report - Honeymoon of a lifetime

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Jim1955 08/21/2016 05:37AM
Thank you! I enjoyed your report and made note of the loop you two traveled. My hope is the two of you can continue on these adventures for years to come.
MrsBlackSwanAdventures 08/15/2016 11:25AM
We just absolutely love it in the BWCA. The only group trips I have taken were with my youth group when I was in 8th and 9th grade. We consider taking my husband's brother because we know he would appreciate it so much but we just love the solitude for ourselves. Maybe one day we will be less greedy and share the wonder that is the BWCA.
cyclones30 08/14/2016 09:50PM
Not sure how I missed this trip report, but glad I got to read it. Great report, that's an area we want to try sometime soon. My wife and I haven't taken a "true" honeymoon yet but in the 2 years we've been married we've taken 3 trips to the BW and are thinking of doing one with just ourselves since our attempts at groups keep falling through with people backing out.

It sounds like you guys like fishing as much as we do.
lskidder 08/06/2016 06:34PM
After my best friend and I graduated from high school we got a job working our a@#%# off during the summer of 1970. We quit work a few days before college started and took a trip to the Singing Creek between Sunday and Burke lakes in the Quetico. My friend decided to quit smoking at the campsite and burned his carton of Old Golds. A short time later a couple paddled up and asked if they would mind if they swam next to our campsite where the creek empties into Burke. No problem. They strip naked and cavort in Burke for a while, then dress and come up to the campsite and ask for a cigarette--they are dying for one! My buddies cigs were smoldering in the fire! Oh well. If we hadn't been from uptight ND we might have gone and jumped in Burke with them! Ah for age and insight!
ducks 06/10/2016 07:39PM
We weren't fortunate enough to do a bwca honeymoon, BUT several of our anniversary getaways have been in the bwca. Great place to spend time with my lady :)
msteiger 06/10/2016 05:25PM
Great report! My wife and I had our honeymoon in BW too, 2013.
MrsBlackSwanAdventures 06/08/2016 07:09AM
Thanks everyone. It certainly was an amazing place to have a honeymoon and yes, a great way to start a marriage. I love to hear about other couples going out there together. It is really something special. We already miss it and we are hoping to put a fall trip together this year as well.
4keys 06/07/2016 09:04AM
We also did the BW for our honeymoon- 30 years ago today! We did a loop through Crab Lake and had a great time. Sounds like you enjoyed your time there, nice way to start a marriage.
dmpaul 06/07/2016 07:13AM
Great report! Sounds like you couldn't ask for better.. except the naked guys you could've done without.. but then it might have rained... Thanks for the awesome read! I think my wife & I will be doing the similar trip this summer.
BLee 06/05/2016 12:43PM
Great report! I wish we would have done our honeymoon in the Boundary Waters. We went to Jackson Wyoming and the money I spent on that trip we could have done 3 trips to BWCA.
boonie 06/04/2016 10:27AM
Thanks, enjoyed the report. I have been through the area a couple of times and it brought back memories.
ducks 06/04/2016 09:28AM
Excellent! Thanks for sharing. I did a solo last August from to Kawishiwi to Malberg and back and your report brought back great memories. I left Malberg my second to last day w/ plans to camp on Polly, but getting there before 9am I decided to push on and camp at Kawishiwi my last night. I was lucky though as I got the last open site on Kawishiwi BUT it made for a very relaxing last night and a very easy last morning/day.
jswamp 06/04/2016 08:06AM
got yourself a good women. nice report
MrsBlackSwanAdventures 06/04/2016 08:00AM
Thanks so much! It would be amazing to go back in 40 years to see the transformation. I was definitely taking it slow with the packs and being as careful as possible. Hopefully when I upgrade my pack, we will be able to fit all our gear in just two!
FOG51 06/04/2016 01:59AM
Very nice report. Sounds like you had much better than average fishing. To bad you had the experience with the nude bathers, but when you get as old as me you will realize some people were raised in cave by wolves. I saw the picture of you with the packs on front and back and would like to suggest that's not [IMO] a good deal, to much risk of a slip, twisted ankle ect, but whatever floats your canoe. May you 2 have a long happy live together, and may you be able to go back to this area in 40 years to see what it's like after the burn. FRED OH yeah if no one has welcomed you to the board allow me to be the first.
MrsBlackSwanAdventures 06/03/2016 10:04PM
New Trip Report posted by MrsBlackSwanAdventures

Trip Name: Honeymoon of a lifetime.

Entry Point: 37

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