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       2017 Quetico Plans
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 07:59PM
2017 Quetico Plans

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GeoFisher 04/30/2017 12:14PM
quote bobbernumber3: "May 26 - June 3 Saganagons Lake

Our group of eight fishermen will return to Saganagons Lake for our annual spring rendezvous. We hang around Silver Falls for a few days then travel to the east end of the lake to finish out the week. On departure day, we hop out on Dickie's Portage (1.5 miles) direct from Saganagons to Saganaga for a tow boat pickup."

I've never done that portage........that is near the end of Saganagons, right? do you do a mechanical assist on the 1.5 or just hoof it.

That is COOL.


Kawnipi1 04/29/2017 11:16PM
August entry flying into Clay lake on the east side. Planing on making into Kawnipi Kawa Bay first evening.

Traversing Quetico East to West over 9 days exiting thru Maligne River to Twin Falls on Lac LaCroix.

Spend a few days each on Kawnipi, Russell and Sturgeon.

Been thru the Falls chain several times. Flying into Clay will eliminate 9 portages getting into Kawnipi.

However going thru Clay Lake and Greenwood Creek to the Waiwiag river can offer some concern with water levels. Hoping for some high water.
ObiWenonahKenobi 04/10/2017 04:40PM
September 5th entry at Carp for 15 Days.
Planning to do the Hunters Island circuit.
Years ago I paddled all of that route but over the course of 3-4 different shorter trips.
My partner is an experienced paddler but has never been to Quetico.
We feel we can do the route easily in 15 days with 2-3 days as layovers if wind bound or the fishing is outrageous!
mapsguy1955 04/10/2017 12:46PM
Stanton Bay down to B Chain to Chatterton Falls and back up through Lonely and end at Nym... 8 days in early August with a large group... 8...
pastorjsackett 04/09/2017 09:52PM
Freeleo1--we are going in on Carp on May 25. Pumped to see that area. Right now there are five of us because someone dropped.

Want to base camp and fish/explore Emerald, Sheridan, Man Chain. First Q trip!
OldFingers57 04/09/2017 06:00PM
Well got my reservation in for Beaverhouse entry into Quetico lake. From there we are still deciding where to go to.
ksfishguy 04/07/2017 02:16PM
Zephira Lake
dbpmw3 04/06/2017 07:44PM
May 28 Nym Lake. Not sure yet where we'll end up heading from there.
RyanCpET 04/06/2017 07:14PM
BnD 03/22/2017 05:19PM
quote RC: "Do you know how old that Falls Chain map is? Is the portage info current?
quote unshavenman:
This may be the map that you are speaking of:

It's was good as of June 2016 and I'm sure it's still good today. You'll see when you get there. It's self explanatory.
RC 03/22/2017 10:27AM
Do you know how old that Falls Chain map is? Is the portage info current?
quote unshavenman:
This may be the map that you are speaking of:
Wables 03/18/2017 10:31PM
quote QueticoMike: "Just reserved a permit for late May for 12 days. Probably going to head for Kawnipi area."

Have any hot tips for smallie fishing on Kawnipi? Headed back there in mid June after a very successful trip last year. Caught lots of walleyes, but only a dozen or so smallies. The dark water and cold front may have been our problem.
joetrain 03/18/2017 06:28AM
June 3, 5 nights, Agnes entry. I will be with my son. We will base camp and fish , fish , fish.
Captn Tony 03/16/2017 07:27PM
Heading to Kawnipi in late July with lyonty, paklady, bobbo, and undetermined others. Last time in Quetico was '01. The rude lady at customs plus the increase in fees, and all the new regs. kept me from going back up there.
Our plan was Kawnipi at the time but the fishing was so good we never made it. However I keep hearing rumors that the fishing is twice as good at Sagangons so with trepidation I'm going back to Canada even though I can't use live bait and have to crimp my hooks!
skeeter2025 03/15/2017 12:30PM
june 4th falls chain to kawnipi 4 nights anubis and bird 3 nights in mcewen slaying the smallies hopefully
jberns 03/15/2017 12:32AM
Close to the same plans as last year with three trips to Quetico... Headed in from Beaverhouse two times in June. Both will be 8 night base camp fishing trips. Maybe move camp once each trip. Last trip in late Sept, again from the north side, but no set plans for entry location or destinations yet. We may do more of a route with 3-4 camps. Likely to enter at Beaverhouse or Stanton Bay & make use of a shuttle.
AdamXChicago 03/14/2017 09:20PM
This June's trip: put-in at Nym; take-out at French. Hoping to explore the unnamed lakes SW of Buckingham. Seven nights out beginning around the 12th.

Crossing my fingers for a September trip as well...
Eyedocron 03/14/2017 07:34PM
Looks like early August Beaverhouse into Quetico Lake and beyond.
TomT 03/14/2017 04:23PM
I'll be going for 10 nights solo in late August. Trying a northern entry for the first time at French Lake. Going down to McDougal then south some more to Veron. Hope to stay three nights there with a day trip to Delahey. Then head back north through Fred and Sturgeon to Pickerel. I also want to camp at The Pines on Pickerel for my last night.

TomT 03/14/2017 04:22PM
quote QueticoMike: "Just reserved a permit for late May for 12 days. Probably going to head for Kawnipi area."

Make sure to check out Murdoch. :)

Canoe42 03/12/2017 08:19PM
August 6 on the Falls Chain. Wife could not make it last year, so doing same trip as last year with 1happycamper.
GraniteCliffs 02/13/2017 08:30PM
We finally have a date for the trip I take with the young guys from work. Well, they still work but I retired.
Sept 9 we head in through Prairie, destination to be determined.
QueticoMike 02/08/2017 05:38PM
Just reserved a permit for late May for 12 days. Probably going to head for Kawnipi area.
Rob Johnson 02/07/2017 10:20PM
quote unshavenman: "quote timatkn: "quote Rob Johnson: "quote Wables: "quote TheRetriever: "quote Wables: "June 17th-25th - Falls Chain


EDIT: added destination lake"

. "

You're coming out as we go in. Tow to American Point on the 25th of June up the Falls Chain. Back out on the first. 2 daughters-2 dads-1 canoe. First time on the Falls Chain for all. Any insights are appreciated. "

I have only done the Falls Chain once. It was a lot of fun. The ranger will give you a blown up map of the falls chain and give you specific directions on how to navigate the chain safely. If it is Janice she will try to scare the heck out of ya so you pay attention---she takes her job seriously (in a good way). Follow her advice and it will be fine.

My brother did not pay attention and almost went down one of the falls. He was fine but closer than he needed to be.

Let us know if you have specific questions.


This may be the map that you are speaking of:

MNLindsey80 02/07/2017 05:26PM
We do not have definite Q plans. We have some thoughts about heading to the Q in October though, maybe the Man Chain... maybe Saganagons....
timatkn 02/06/2017 07:47PM
Yep that's the map!

unshavenman 02/06/2017 01:58PM
I'm shooting for a 7/21 entry through Cache Bay for four nights on Saganagons with three high school friends. It will be their first trip to the Q so we will be sight seeing, fishing and relaxing.
unshavenman 02/06/2017 01:55PM
quote timatkn: "quote Rob Johnson: "quote Wables: "quote TheRetriever: "quote Wables: "June 17th-25th - Falls Chain


EDIT: added destination lake"

. "

You're coming out as we go in. Tow to American Point on the 25th of June up the Falls Chain. Back out on the first. 2 daughters-2 dads-1 canoe. First time on the Falls Chain for all. Any insights are appreciated. "

I have only done the Falls Chain once. It was a lot of fun. The ranger will give you a blown up map of the falls chain and give you specific directions on how to navigate the chain safely. If it is Janice she will try to scare the heck out of ya so you pay attention---she takes her job seriously (in a good way). Follow her advice and it will be fine.

My brother did not pay attention and almost went down one of the falls. He was fine but closer than he needed to be.

Let us know if you have specific questions.


This may be the map that you are speaking of:
timatkn 02/06/2017 01:34PM
quote Rob Johnson: "quote Wables: "quote TheRetriever: "quote Wables: "June 17th-25th - Falls Chain


EDIT: added destination lake"

. "

You're coming out as we go in. Tow to American Point on the 25th of June up the Falls Chain. Back out on the first. 2 daughters-2 dads-1 canoe. First time on the Falls Chain for all. Any insights are appreciated. "

I have only done the Falls Chain once. It was a lot of fun. The ranger will give you a blown up map of the falls chain and give you specific directions on how to navigate the chain safely. If it is Janice she will try to scare the heck out of ya so you pay attention---she takes her job seriously (in a good way). Follow her advice and it will be fine.

My brother did not pay attention and almost went down one of the falls. He was fine but closer than he needed to be.

Let us know if you have specific questions.

Freeleo1 02/04/2017 04:54PM
We got a Carp lake permit and a tow to PP for June 27th for 6 nights. We want to go to Emerald, and up through part of the Man chain, we also have a BWCA permit to possibly come back south and stay a night or 2 in Amoeber. I promised my spouse we could go back to BWCA if the lack of latrines bothers us too much.
DancesWithTrees 02/03/2017 09:11AM
In terms of navigating Baptism, I recall there being only one stream branch that caused some question, but it wasn't too hard to figure out even with just a map. If you have a GPS it will be a no-brainer.
tuscarorasurvivor 02/02/2017 07:14PM
quote DancesWithTrees: "quote tuscarorasurvivor: "Entering on May 18th for between 9 and 12 days. Was thinking of entering at Baptism Creek. Any concerns about ice that early? I've entered BWCA that time of year, and sometimes it's dicey, and sometimes there are mosquitos already.

Also, if water is high, how will that affect the rivers coming out of Trousers and the portage into Cache?"

I've gone into Baptism during Week One (mid-May) a couple times before. No ice problems. But if it was an unusually cold winter, watch the reports from the park. It was I want to say a couple winters ago that they delayed opening the park due to ice, but that's atypical.

River coming out of trousers? The one that connects to Baptism? You can't run that anyway, need to do the very short portage. Did you mean Baptism Creek? Likely you'll have high water, which makes it a little tougher current-wise but better in terms of navigation space.

Trousers-Cache portage is a muddy, boggy mess pretty much all the time unless it's been super-dry. I'd just count on that being the case. The upper Cache River that you cross on the portage could be a little wider, but it's best to use a canoe to cross it anyway, like a bridge.


I was inartful in my question. I was wondering what Baptism Creek would be like in early season in terms of current, and ability to navigate/locate other waterways along the way, and then what I might expect from that boggy mess of a portage into Cache. I guess I should expect it to be all the more of a mucky mess if water is high. Just trying to gather information to see if it is reasonable to do this time of year. We will be a group of 3 in a SR Q18.5.
arnesr 02/02/2017 04:02PM
Another Beaverhouse permit here, June 5th entry. First trip for my 2 sons ages 11 & 13 to Quetico, though we camped at Sawbill in the BWCA once. I thought I would go easy on them and stay on Quetico Lake, only a few small portages. I'm thinking we may camp in West Bay to stay out of the wind. First time for me using this EP, so it will be an adventure for all of us. Fishing is going to be our focus, but we hope to do some exploring and check out some pictographs if we can find them.
Thwarted 02/02/2017 03:35PM
In at Beaverhouse June 3, base on Jean, out June 10. Four men, two teens.
Focus: fishing, photography, sloth.
AmarilloJim 02/02/2017 10:30AM
Leading 2 young scout groups into Beaverhouse 5/28 for a week. Probably just mess around Quetico and Jean. May lead the older group back through Badwater just to see what they are made of. LOL

Doing a Fall trip last week of Sept. Hoping to get a group solo trip organized through PP.
stevedug 02/01/2017 01:39PM
2 trips

july 16 - going in through beaverhouse for family dad-n-lads trip

sometime in late September/October - going in somewhere with regular tripping friends

Frenchy19 02/01/2017 11:06AM
Also have a trip brewing with my wife sometime in August. It would be a first for her, and I have as of yet no destination set. Probably a week.
DancesWithTrees 02/01/2017 08:19AM
quote tuscarorasurvivor: "Entering on May 18th for between 9 and 12 days. Was thinking of entering at Baptism Creek. Any concerns about ice that early? I've entered BWCA that time of year, and sometimes it's dicey, and sometimes there are mosquitos already.

Also, if water is high, how will that affect the rivers coming out of Trousers and the portage into Cache?"

I've gone into Baptism during Week One (mid-May) a couple times before. No ice problems. But if it was an unusually cold winter, watch the reports from the park. It was I want to say a couple winters ago that they delayed opening the park due to ice, but that's atypical.

River coming out of trousers? The one that connects to Baptism? You can't run that anyway, need to do the very short portage. Did you mean Baptism Creek? Likely you'll have high water, which makes it a little tougher current-wise but better in terms of navigation space.

Trousers-Cache portage is a muddy, boggy mess pretty much all the time unless it's been super-dry. I'd just count on that being the case. The upper Cache River that you cross on the portage could be a little wider, but it's best to use a canoe to cross it anyway, like a bridge.
Rob Johnson 01/31/2017 07:16PM
quote Wables: "quote TheRetriever: "quote Wables: "June 17th-25th - Falls Chain

Two of us are heading up to Kawnipi via the Falls Chain, staying a couple nights in Kawa bay, a couple of nights at the north end, then fishing our way back over the last 3 days. Basically the same trip that we did last year, but a week later and without a side trip to McEwen."

Damn, what a coincidence. My group is entering via the Falls Chain on the 17th as well. We are planning on heading to the north end of Kawnipi (first time there!) and setting up a base camp there (south of McKenzie Bay). Haven't decided if we will take out on the 24th or 25th yet. Sounds like we are likely to cross paths. Hopefully not too much ;-)

EDIT: added destination lake"

What time is your tow? We are heading out at 7. We will probably head all the way north, towards Montgomery, after Kawa. The only two crowded areas we ran into last year were north of Silver Falls, and McKenzie Bay. Send me an email if you have any specific questions on the trip. "

You're coming out as we go in. Tow to American Point on the 25th of June up the Falls Chain. Back out on the first. 2 daughters-2 dads-1 canoe. First time on the Falls Chain for all. Any insights are appreciated.
mapsguy1955 01/31/2017 01:08PM
Early August 8 days in the north...
Hoaf 01/29/2017 03:37PM
14+ day solo trip in May as close to ice-out as possible starting in the northern part of the park and looping down through the center before heading back out. Possible change in plans to a north - south trip coming out at Sag if I can work out shuttle arrangements. Then, a July-Aug trip for ~5 days in the southern part of the park, more of a basecamp style. September will see me back again but not sure where yet.
Frenchy19 01/29/2017 11:28AM
June 14 in @ Batchewaung for a Hunter's Island Loop. Looking forward to my first northern entry and the possibility of some folks on this board joining me for part or all of the trip!
HighnDry 01/23/2017 12:03PM
May 16th-22nd PP to Conmee area. 1st week of June trip still trying to nail down.
tuscarorasurvivor 01/22/2017 08:56PM
Entering on May 18th for between 9 and 12 days. Was thinking of entering at Baptism Creek. Any concerns about ice that early? I've entered BWCA that time of year, and sometimes it's dicey, and sometimes there are mosquitos already.

Also, if water is high, how will that affect the rivers coming out of Trousers and the portage into Cache?
mustangman86 01/19/2017 10:38AM
June 17-24, Agnes entry to Kawnipi base camp. Back through Kahshahpiwi.
BnD 01/19/2017 09:55AM
I could tell ya'll the details and how great it has been and will be but, then everyone would follow and it won't be great anymore. Kinda like deer hunting that way. We will be paddling in the Q 8 days in June 2017.
bobbernumber3 01/18/2017 06:07AM
May 26 - June 3 Saganagons Lake

Our group of eight fishermen will return to Saganagons Lake for our annual spring rendezvous. We hang around Silver Falls for a few days then travel to the east end of the lake to finish out the week. On departure day, we hop out on Dickie's Portage (1.5 miles) direct from Saganagons to Saganaga for a tow boat pickup.
Wables 01/17/2017 05:14PM
quote TheRetriever: "quote Wables: "June 17th-25th - Falls Chain

Two of us are heading up to Kawnipi via the Falls Chain, staying a couple nights in Kawa bay, a couple of nights at the north end, then fishing our way back over the last 3 days. Basically the same trip that we did last year, but a week later and without a side trip to McEwen."

Damn, what a coincidence. My group is entering via the Falls Chain on the 17th as well. We are planning on heading to the north end of Kawnipi (first time there!) and setting up a base camp there (south of McKenzie Bay). Haven't decided if we will take out on the 24th or 25th yet. Sounds like we are likely to cross paths. Hopefully not too much ;-)

EDIT: added destination lake"

What time is your tow? We are heading out at 7. We will probably head all the way north, towards Montgomery, after Kawa. The only two crowded areas we ran into last year were north of Silver Falls, and McKenzie Bay. Send me an email if you have any specific questions on the trip.
OldFingers57 01/17/2017 02:29PM
quote gymcoachdon: "I just finished securing my entry permit for Pickerel Lake, June 17th.

The plan is to head to McDougall through Deux Rivieres, and return via the B chain. It is nice to finally have the permit reserved!

9 day/8 night trip planned"

We did the B chain loop last year. If you need any info, let me know.
TheRetriever 01/17/2017 11:54AM
quote Wables: "June 17th-25th - Falls Chain

Two of us are heading up to Kawnipi via the Falls Chain, staying a couple nights in Kawa bay, a couple of nights at the north end, then fishing our way back over the last 3 days. Basically the same trip that we did last year, but a week later and without a side trip to McEwen."

Damn, what a coincidence. My group is entering via the Falls Chain on the 17th as well. We are planning on heading to the north end of Kawnipi (first time there!) and setting up a base camp there (south of McKenzie Bay). Haven't decided if we will take out on the 24th or 25th yet. Sounds like we are likely to cross paths. Hopefully not too much ;-)

EDIT: added destination lake
Wables 01/17/2017 11:31AM
June 17th-25th - Falls Chain

Two of us are heading up to Kawnipi via the Falls Chain, staying a couple nights in Kawa bay, a couple of nights at the north end, then fishing our way back over the last 3 days. Basically the same trip that we did last year, but a week later and without a side trip to McEwen.
MacCamper 01/17/2017 10:27AM
How difficult is it to obtain a permit, say through Beaverhouse the first week of June. My wife is on the fence and I'm hesitant to pull the trigger but will for a solo if need to secure a slot.
gymcoachdon 01/17/2017 09:50AM
I just finished securing my entry permit for Pickerel Lake, June 17th.

The plan is to head to McDougall through Deux Rivieres, and return via the B chain. It is nice to finally have the permit reserved!

9 day/8 night trip planned
GraniteCliffs 01/15/2017 09:14PM
Last year about this time someone, might have been Jackfish, started a post on folks having definite Quetico permits and plans. I thought it was interesting so thought I would start it again.
My definite date is June 7, headed toward Agnes and beyond. Only four nights. Three nights alone and then meeting two friends the last night. We are riding up from the Twin Cities together and separating at Prairie. We each go our own way for three nights and then camp together the last night. Can't wait.
Two more trips but no dates or permits pulled.
Anyone else have concrete plans yet?