BWCA Vegetables Boundary Waters BWCA Food and Recipes
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   BWCA Food and Recipes



04/10/2017 08:10AM  
How do you guys add vegetables to your diet in the BWCA?

We always had potatoes, onions and carrots with dinner but I was thinking of trying to get some greens in as well. None of the vegetables we typically bring are known for being very nutritious so I thought of adding kale to the nightly fish fry. We fry our fish in oil with garlic salt and onions. I was thinking that if we tossed in the kale up to 5 min before the fish is done then it should cook a little and taste alright.

I figured kale because I have had decent experiences with it, mainly in soups though where it adds texture. Plus it is light and should pack small without dehydrating, though you could if you wanted. I was just thinking about it and was curious how others tried to eat healthy.

What vegetables do you use and how do you prepare them?
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04/10/2017 09:52AM  
North Bay Trading

A source I've used for awhile. Choices of freeze and aid dried, good selection. I only dry meats at home, buying everything else.
"billconnor" recently posted a link to Valley Foods, which look good also!

I pantry pack my food and mix as desired when camping. Try to add veggies to each meal. Just add them to whats cooking or ad to a pasta/potato side dish if fresh fish on the menu.

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04/10/2017 10:55AM  
Veggies are easy to dehydrate if you want to do your own. You can just take a bag of whatever your favorite frozen veggies are and place them still frozen on the dehydrator trays and dehydrate them. All you may have to do is to cut up some of the larger pieces of things like broccoli and cauliflower. We do a lot of veggies this way. You can dehydrate and make kale chips, if you want to take kale. We also do bell peppers and mushrooms.
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