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07/28/2017 08:17PM  
Just finished The Shoe And The Canoe. Interesting perspective.

If you're easily offended probably not for you. The social discourse doesn't fit in to today's pc climate.

Looking now for reasonably priced The Unfortified Boundary. The American expedition.
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07/31/2017 07:31AM  
I'll admit that I looked into this book due to your comment about the language used.

Only five pages into the preface, Bigsby states, "Mine is a personal narrative. The reader's indulgence is, therefore, requested for the egotism which is unavoidable.... Some may say, that I gossip a little. This possibly may be so."

I appreciate that Bigsby, an English physician and geologist in the early to mid-1800's, gave his readers that heads-up. His writing style seems approachable to me, so I will give this book a go with both the author's warning and also his time and place in mind.
08/01/2017 05:52AM  
Definitely an interesting read and perspective. Considering the era he does makes some poignant commentary and predictions in spots, some of which have borne out.

My copy was produced by the University of Michigan Press. It's a photocopy of an original printing. Unfortunately the plates are illegible for the most part and it's missing a few pages, hopefully nothing to central to the story. Some interesting old world terms that, while obscure, can mostly be figured out from context.

I'd be curious to here someone else's perspective.
distinguished member(3004)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/01/2017 08:50PM  
whos the author?
08/02/2017 05:14AM  
John Jeremiah Bigsby. Published 1850.
distinguished member(3004)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/03/2017 11:21PM a copy on the way thru amazon.
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09/13/2017 11:02PM  
A good read..I like the dated text. A good feel of traveling by canoe in the 1800,s.
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