BWCA A Year in the Wilderness Boundary Waters Group Forum: Book Club
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Book Club
      A Year in the Wilderness     



12/18/2017 11:11AM  
I just fininshed "A Year in the Wilderness" by Amy & Dave Freeman, published in 2017 by Milkweed Editions. For those who followed their blogs about their 2015-2016 year-long travels in the BWCAW to bring attention to the Campaign to Save the Boundary Waters, the contents will probably be familiar. There are 4 main chapters that are about their travels in each of the 4 seasons (Fall, Winter, etc.). Lots of good photography. There are maps that proceed each of the 4 main chapters, but you'll want a magnifying glass to read the maps or a set of larger maps to help you follow along with the travelogue. They did not get into the section S of the Echo trail, nor were they able to spend much time in the area NE of the Gunflint Trail.

Most of my canoeing has been in Quetico. This book has encouraged me to explore the BWCAW, especially the remoter portions.
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distinguished member(8120)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
12/19/2017 08:32PM  
I followed their travels online during that year on a nearly-daily basis. A map that shows their routes in detail (although it gets a bit tangled and crowded in the most popular, re-traveled areas) can be found at: A Year in the Wilderness. Yes, they made a conscious decision not to visit the "disconnected" areas that you mentioned, feeling that it would violate their "continuous year" by exiting and re-entering the wilderness.

I also have a signed copy of the book and although I have not read it through completely, it is a great coffee table book to pick up on occasion along with my McKenzie maps.
distinguished member(850)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/01/2018 06:52PM  
I picked up a copy a Canoecopia a couple weeks ago and finally took a peak at it. Great pictures and a great read. They did a great job with their presentations as well at Mad Town at 'copia. Having a support team to keep them resupplied, there is that period where a feller cannot paddle or ski where you are pretty much stuck with what you got until you can get resupplied. And then there is putting up with each other day after day after day.....
dr bob
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