BWCA Looking for Fry-Bake Ideas Boundary Waters BWCA Food and Recipes
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      Looking for Fry-Bake Ideas     



Less oil.
Guest Paddler
04/14/2018 10:11AM  
I'd like to start using my Fry-Bake pan for more bake then fry on trips. I've mastered pepperoni Pizza and my kids would eat it everyday but I can't.. What are you guys baking when using the great pans.
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distinguished member(4987)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/14/2018 01:39PM  
Well you can do any sorts of baked goods in it. For instance brownies, biscuits, cobbler, muffins, etc. As for baked dishes just think of things you may do at home, like goulash and other casseroles. I have an Outback Oven which there is a recipe book for that has lots of recipes in it you could adapt for the Fry Bake pan. Out back oven cookbook
distinguished member(4987)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/14/2018 07:42PM  
Here are some other cookbooks that have Fry Bake recipes in them. Cookbooks
distinguished member (409)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/14/2018 11:10PM  
OldFingers57: "Here are some other cookbooks that have Fry Bake recipes in them. Cookbooks "

Thanks.. I have some of the cook books I found on-line. I'm looking for what the folks here have tried and what they've had success with... Ive had good luck with recommendations here.
04/16/2018 10:07AM  

This is an excellent baked walleye dish. Crispy like fried, but flaky like baked.

Crush 1 sleeve of Ritz crackers mix with 1/2 cup melted butter. Pack your filets tightly into greased pan and coat top generously with cracker mix. Bake 30 min at about 350
distinguished member (409)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/17/2018 07:21AM  
Sounds funny, but I have never considered baking walleye on trips. I am going to try this. Thanks!!!
member (5)member
08/26/2018 09:10AM  
Why not try a stir fry? Baking meat first, then add veggies, put a cover on to steam them a bit, add sauce and you have your camp stir fry!

Camp tacos: Cook beef in a frying pan, add taco seasoning, cut up some peppers/onions/tomato, add in some beans if you wish and then grate some cheese and cut up some lettuce. You could even get soft tortillas and make quesadillas instead :)
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