BWCA Trip Report - Paddling with friends Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Paddling with friends     



06/21/2018 11:54AM  
New Trip Report posted by WIstoney

Trip Name: Paddling with friends.

Entry Point: 14

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distinguished member(4164)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/21/2018 08:52PM  
Nice report. We went through that area on a trip 2 years ago. We were the first ones out that morning and it was a perfectly calm morning. We'd hoped to see a moose but no such luck. The portage on the river is one of my favorites, very scenic and easy. Any pictures to post?
06/21/2018 09:13PM  
I enjoyed your report. EP #14 was my first solo and it brought back memories. Someday you'll read one in EP #14 and remember this trip, I bet. It's nice to hear you had a nice trip. Hope you get to do the solo or wife and you trip.
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