BWCA Trip Report - Lake One to Insula, base camping with the family Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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distinguished member(655)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/30/2018 03:37PM  
New Trip Report posted by scotttimm

Trip Name: Lake One to Insula, base camping with the family.

Entry Point: 30

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07/31/2018 10:19AM  
Nice report, and cool your son wants to trip alone with you.

I've done a couple trips with just my son, but he was just 9 and 10 at the time, so we couldn't push very far. We missed a trip last year, but just back from our trip this year about a week ago, and I can see a big difference in his strength and stamina now that's 12 almost 13. Can't wait for another year or two when he should be able to really push it.

Also great you let that other group join you for a short time to miss some weather, I don't want to start a long discussion but some paddlers are picky about that and wouldn't have been as accommodating. Kudos to you.
distinguished member(655)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/31/2018 11:10AM  

Yeah - we've got a thread going with some folks suggestions on longer trips to take, if you are pondering that with your son click here

Maybe I've been lucky, but I've never had a bad experience interacting with people in the BW. I wouldn't ever turn anyone away trying to get out of a storm...Golden Rule. The group of canoes were paddling our way and called out, "hey! do you mind if we come in for safe harbor?". It can be a little un-nerving when 8 guys pull up, but they had a woman with them, they were super nice, and they kept to themselves on the edge of camp. We shared fishing spots, they had a lot of notes from their outfitter. While very experienced campers, this was their first BWCA trip, and they were definitely nervous about the weather. After a bit, they realized they had to suck it up and paddle in the rain.
distinguished member (138)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/04/2018 09:51AM  
Nice report! Been toying with Lake One for easy family base trip but dread the inevitable crowds and sites being full. Glad to hear everything worked so well!
08/05/2018 06:19PM  
So, where you camped is the site of an historic resort. That is why there is a nice beach and cleared tenting area. We have been to Insula many times and camp due east of there on the other side of the inlet. Beautiful sites, both. Great walleye fishing.
distinguished member(655)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/06/2018 08:29PM  
Yellowhorse - FWIW - My family's first two trips were Lake One and then Lake Two. They totally dug it. There are some really great campsites, the fishing can be good, and there are some fun sights to see. Sometimes new folks feel a little more comfortable knowing there are other people around, don't want to be TOO remote. On the way back on this trip, we really liked our spot on Lake 3, and we made the paddle from that spot to the outfitter in 3 hrs. I think it is a GREAT place to break people in. I highly recommend Kawishiwi Lodge - it is a super family-friendly spot. Our favorite outfitter so far.

OldRez - I remember reading that about one of the spots on Lake Insula, wish I would have remembered which. I need to take better notes next time!
08/08/2018 07:24PM  
How long does it take to get out of the burned area
distinguished member (138)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/08/2018 08:31PM  
scotttimm: "Yellowhorse - FWIW - My family's first two trips were Lake One and then Lake Two. They totally dug it. There are some really great campsites, the fishing can be good, and there are some fun sights to see. Sometimes new folks feel a little more comfortable knowing there are other people around, don't want to be TOO remote. On the way back on this trip, we really liked our spot on Lake 3, and we made the paddle from that spot to the outfitter in 3 hrs. I think it is a GREAT place to break people in. I highly recommend Kawishiwi Lodge - it is a super family-friendly spot. Our favorite outfitter so far.

You have me convinced :) Lodge to begin and/or end the trip adds the perfect seasoning . I may have to pick your brain a bit more for 2019. Thanks for sharing.
distinguished member(655)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/09/2018 11:17AM  
BigBooter - how long to get out of the burn? it depends on how fast you canoe. See my pick below - if you search on Google maps for Lake Insula on "satellite view" - you can really clearly see where the burn area starts on the number chain and ends. When you can get out of it depends on where you go on Insula, but it's at least the southern third of the lake, and it's a big lake. You can head north into the inlet on Hudson to get out of the burn for a one night stay if you need to break. I've stopped paying attention to how long people say it will take, even with lighter gear, lots of experience, my group moves slowly. We stop and eat lunch, my kids jump in the water and swim, it just takes us like 2x what people always tell me. Wish I could be of more help. From what I've heard, which wasn't true for us, 5-6 hrs to Insula...and then you can probably be out of the burn in another hour or so.

Yellowhorse - hit me up at Ping me on here if you don't hear back, sometimes random email addresses get sent to junk mail. I've stayed on a few nice sites on Lake One and Two, and scouted a few more on 3 and 4. Enter on an off day, like a Tuesday or Wednesday to help avoid crowds. There's one site on 2 that is tucked back, private, and not as popular, but we really liked the site and the privacy. Super important - Kawishiwi Lodge starts to take reservations already in January. He told me his two bunkhouses are filled every night, all summer long. So if you have dates in mind, call as early as you can. He's a hoot, great guy.
08/09/2018 04:24PM  
Great report. Thanks.
08/09/2018 05:30PM  
What a great idea for a family trip.
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