BWCA Trip Report - Granite River Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Granite River     



distinguished member (371)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/28/2018 07:52AM  
New Trip Report posted by Driftless

Trip Name: Granite River.

Entry Point: 57

Click Here to View Trip Report
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08/28/2018 10:16AM  
getting the link to link. link
08/28/2018 10:37AM  
Thanks, enjoyed hearing about your trip. I've never been in that area, nice to see the pics.
distinguished member (371)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/28/2018 11:49AM  
Thanks Mocha and Boonie!
08/28/2018 12:05PM  
The Granite River was my first trip 4 years ago, with my then 9 year old son. We had a blast spending time together and have been back every year since, exploring different routes and now doing full week trips.

Glad you took lots of pics, you'll never regret it.
08/28/2018 01:20PM  
Looks like you had a great time! Did you get into any blueberries too, or just the raspberries on the portages?

Where was the campsite with the giant rock & tree trunk for the bench? That looked great!
distinguished member (371)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/28/2018 05:23PM  
It was almost all blueberries, Mirth. That campsite was our first one on Larch. It was good swimming right off that site too. It was good fishing for that matter.
distinguished member(3694)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/28/2018 08:49PM  
Nice trip report. Makes me even sadder that my daughter had to cancel this year. We will try again next year. Nice fish! Must be a blast on a fly rod. Hope you can do it again. :)
distinguished member (371)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/29/2018 06:28AM  
Pswith5, my daughter was really pumped when she "air paddled" the new paddles I got from you!
08/29/2018 06:37AM  
Nice! Great pics. Always have loved the Granite River route. Really cool you're getting to create those awesome moments and memories with your girl!
08/29/2018 09:49AM  
Yeah, that area is perfect for the first part of August & especially for kids. We came back up the GFT this year specifically so there'd be a good possibility of berries to pick.
distinguished member (458)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/29/2018 04:33PM  
Looks like a great trip and a great trip report, Driftless. Looking forward to more trip reports from you and your daughter's trips. Assuming you'll each be in solos and she'll be in her new-to-her Magic. Love lots of photos.
distinguished member (371)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/30/2018 01:59PM  
Hi Ginny,

Yes, she is chomping at the bit to do a trip in her Magic!
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