BWCA Wabikimi project? Boundary Waters Group Forum: Wabakimi
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      Wabikimi project?     
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distinguished member (164)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/03/2008 10:20PM  
If i were to donate my time to the project what would the cost be in this endeavor?
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distinguished member(697)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/04/2008 05:21AM  
check the website for info.

if you want to participate, you need to get your name in the hat asap. my understanding from phil cotton recently is that their expanded trip season is likely to fill fast. he gets hundreds of emails per day regarding the project.

the 09 season is supposed to take their travels north to the albany river. great canoe country and very lightly traveled. phil hadn't seen another canoe for 10 weeks until we found some canoes from earlham college-a wabakimi project partner-and we were looking for them.

distinguished member(697)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/07/2008 10:45AM  
it was $800CDN all inclusive in 08 with an unfavorable exchange rate. i don't know if it will change in the 09 season.

the exchange rate has swung over 20% recently in favor of the USD, so if it stays that way, the trip would be a bargain. some canadians aren't quite as smug as they were 6 months ago when they grudgingly gave me 85 cents across the counter at red lake in may.
senior member (77)senior membersenior member
11/11/2008 08:01PM  
I know they are really busy with emails. I have emailed a couple times for an application. Is there any other way to get an application before canoecopia? They had a booth there last year.
distinguished member(697)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/11/2008 09:05PM  
i think they're swamped right now. besides the inquiries, new maps are due out, route planning for next year, logistics and gear, speaking get the picture. it may take awhile, but phil will respond. past participants get first call.
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