BWCA Vidar Sundstol - Minnesota Trilogy Boundary Waters Group Forum: Book Club
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   Group Forum: Book Club
      Vidar Sundstol - Minnesota Trilogy     



09/11/2018 08:12AM  
If anyone likes Northern Minnesota based mysteries, you might like Vidar Sundstol's Minnesota Trilogy ("The Land of Dreams" being the first in the series). Found the series at my library this past year and really enjoyed it. All the series is based around Lake Superior North Shore and Duluth area. Was fun to actually stop by Father Baraga's Cross on the North Shore (where the crime takes place in the first book) while I was in the midst of reading. Definitely enhanced the imagination.
Vidar Sundstol - Minnesota Trilogy Book 1
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distinguished member(8120)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/12/2018 12:29PM  
Thanks for the reminder. I was all set to pick up his first book at our library when I read the summary... "Hmm... did I read this?.." As I read through all three synopses, I realized I had, indeed. Waiting for my turn for Desolation Mountain (I have moved up to #2 in the queue), I am getting a bit anxious for a good book.
09/12/2018 04:45PM  
schweady: "Thanks for the reminder. I was all set to pick up his first book at our library when I read the summary... "Hmm... did I read this?.." As I read through all three synopses, I realized I had, indeed. Waiting for my turn for Desolation Mountain (I have moved up to #2 in the queue), I am getting a bit anxious for a good book.

Lucky you! I'm still down the line on Desolation Mountain cue. :( If you need something new, have you ever tried the Steve Hamilton - Alex McKnight series? Kind in the same vein as the Cork O'Conner series. This one set on the Superior South Shore in the Michigan UP. I've blown through the whole series and really liked it!
distinguished member(8120)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/13/2018 06:47PM  
djwillco: "
schweady: "Thanks for the reminder. I was all set to pick up his first book at our library when I read the summary... "Hmm... did I read this?.." As I read through all three synopses, I realized I had, indeed. Waiting for my turn for Desolation Mountain (I have moved up to #2 in the queue), I am getting a bit anxious for a good book.

Lucky you! I'm still down the line on Desolation Mountain cue. :( If you need something new, have you ever tried the Steve Hamilton - Alex McKnight series? Kind in the same vein as the Cork O'Conner series. This one set on the Superior South Shore in the Michigan UP. I've blown through the whole series and really liked it! "

Thanks for the heads up!

BTW: My copy of Desolation Mountain just came in. Just in time, too, as we head out tomorrow at dark-o-thirty for 4 nights at a buddy's place on Sand Point Lake.
09/13/2018 08:43PM  
schweady: "
djwillco: "
schweady: "Thanks for the reminder. I was all set to pick up his first book at our library when I read the summary... "Hmm... did I read this?.." As I read through all three synopses, I realized I had, indeed. Waiting for my turn for Desolation Mountain (I have moved up to #2 in the queue), I am getting a bit anxious for a good book.

Lucky you! I'm still down the line on Desolation Mountain cue. :( If you need something new, have you ever tried the Steve Hamilton - Alex McKnight series? Kind in the same vein as the Cork O'Conner series. This one set on the Superior South Shore in the Michigan UP. I've blown through the whole series and really liked it! "

Thanks for the heads up!

BTW: My copy of Desolation Mountain just came in. Just in time, too, as we head out tomorrow at dark-o-thirty for 4 nights at a buddy's place on Sand Point Lake.

Sweet! Just in the nick of time...
Have fun on Sand Point. Been on Sandpoint & Namakan walleye fishing the last couple of springs for the first time and really liked the area. That would be a sweet lake for a cabin!
Have fun.
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